Herbs delivered worldwide!

No matter where you live, we can deliver herbs to your door safely!

About Richters' unique plant shipping system:

"I received my shipment of six potted plants from you several weeks ago, and I felt that I could wait no longer in writing to you and complimenting you not only on the health of the plants in general, but the ingenious box that you have come up with to ensure their safe arrival to their new place of residence.

I must confess that I have ordered plants through the mail before, and have never been very satisfied with the results.

Imagine the shock I got when I opened up the box and saw such lovely, green, healthy plants! They were even blooming, and didn't seem to have suffered whatsoever from their sojourn through the mail! I was astounded by the ease in which they adapted to being placed outside in the shade, and then into the garden! There were no signs of setback whatsoever! As a matter of fact, as soon as they got transplanted, they took off, and are lovelier than I could have ever possibly hoped for!"

      - Mrs. L.D., Gilbert Plains, Manitoba.
How to reach us: How to order: About order minimums. About prices. About handling and shipping charges. About delivery. About commercial orders. About payment. About hours.


About international plant shipments.

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