Regional Centers

The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) is a small, responsive, non-bureaucratic, international network. Its centers in developing countries analyze the needs of the region's resource-poor farmers, and its centers in industrialized countries identify biotechnology applications for transfer.

ISAAA has three centers in South East Asia, Africa, and North America.

ISAAA SEAsiaCenter

ISAAA’s SEAsiaCenter was established in January 1998. It is hosted by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños Laguna, Philippines.The present portfolio of technology transfer projects is aimed at developing capacity and facilitating the acquisition, transfer, and adoption of key crop-biotechnology applications that meet priority needs in five partner countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. These projects include biotech papaya and sweetpotato.

ISAAA's Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology is also based at the SEAsiaCenter. It facilitates the sharing of authoritative information on crop biotechnology through a network of Biotechnology Information Centers in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

ISAAA AfriCenter

The ISAAA AfriCenter was established in 1994 in Kenya. It is hosted by the regional office of the International Potato Center (CIP) on the campus of the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. Its portfolio of projects includes a tissue culture initiative to revive banana production in Kenya and other East African countries, and a program for the micropropagation and distribution of multipurpose trees.

ISAAA AmeriCenter

This is the first Center opened by ISAAA in March 1992. It is hosted by
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, under the International
Programs--College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Today, ISAAA's
AmeriCenter is the Administrative/Financial Headquarters for the ISAAA