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(Please use the NOAA Staff Directory for Contact Information)


Ming Ji Director
Kevin McCarthy Deputy Director
Marsha Morstad Secretary
Crystal Rickett Administrative Officer


Ocean Applications Branch

Implements new software and techniques to support the ocean forecast branch.

Joe Sienkiewicz Branch Chief
Frances Achorn Techniques Development Meteorologist
Ben Albright Graduate Student, Howard University
Bob Daniels Contract Oceanographer
Michael Folmer GOES-R Fellow
LT Christy Schultz, NOAA Corps Technical Operations Coordination Meteorologist
Christopher Juckins Techniques Development Meteorologist
Greg McFadden Contract Computer Programmer


Ocean Forecast Branch

The operational unit which creates the High Seas Forecasts, Marine Weather Charts, and the Offshore Waters Forecasts. Listed below are the marine forecasters whose names you see on the forecast products for much of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. 

Tony Siebers Branch Chief

James Clark Lead Marine Forecaster  
Bob Oszajca Lead Marine Forecaster Assistant Webmaster
Scott Prosise Lead Marine Forecaster  
Doug Scovil Lead Marine Forecaster  
Paul Vukits Lead Marine Forecaster  

Kevin Achorn Marine Forecaster  
George Bancroft Marine Forecaster  
Robert Banks Marine Forecaster  
Kathy Bell Marine Forecaster Assistant Webmaster
Timothy Collins Marine Forecaster  
Timothy Holley Marine Forecaster  
Jim Kells Marine Forecaster Assistant Webmaster
David Kosier Marine Forecaster  
Paul Lee Marine Forecaster  
Hugh McRandal Marine Forecaster  
David Mills Marine Forecaster  
Frank Musonda Marine Forecaster  
Jim Nolt Marine Forecaster  
Michael Rowland Marine Forecaster Webmaster
Todd Shaw Marine Forecaster  

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP)
Ocean Prediction Center
Mr. Anthony Siebers
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740-3818

Phone: 301-683-1520
Fax: 301-683-1501 (SDM), 301-683-1545 (back office-administrative)

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E-mail: (Tony Siebers, Kathy Bell, Robert Daniels, James Kells, Michael Rowland, Robert Oszajca)

Page last modified:  Tuesday, February 12, 2013 15:55:24 UTC