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NOAA>NWS>NCEP>OPC>General Information>Ocean Applications Branch>QuikSCAT at OPC

######### QuikSCAT in the Ocean Prediction Center


#########QuikSCAT refers to the SeaWinds Scatterometer flying onboard NASA's Quick Scatterometer Spacecraft which was launched in June 1999.QuikSCAT data was incorporated into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) operational global weather analysis and forecast systems model in July 2001 and into the NAWIPS workstations in October 2001.

#########Sea Level Pressure analyses derived from the University of Washington Planetary Boundary Layer Model using 25km QuikSCAT wind vectors as input.

Hurricane Force Extratropical Cyclones as Detected by QuikSCAT Joseph Sienkiewicz, Joan Von Ahn and Gregory McFadden- a powerpoint presentation given at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, HI in February 2006.

A Comparison of Sea Level Pressure Analyses derived from QuikSCAT winds to manual surface analyses produced in the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center - a pdf version of the presentation given at the AMS Weather and Forecasting Conference in Washington, DC in September 2005 by Joan Von Ahn, Joseph Sienkiewicz and Jerome Patoux

The Impact of QuikSCAT on OPC Operations-PowerPoint Presentation given at the Ocean Vector Winds Science Team Meeting, March 2005, Seattle, WA

The Operational Impact of QuikSCAT Winds at the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center - a powerpoint presentation developed for the IEEE IGARSS Conference in Anchorage, Alaska

Tutorial: Guide to Using Rain-flagged QuikSCAT wind vectors

Examples of SLP retrievals from UWPBL Model


More QuikSCAT Information

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Page last modified:  Friday, October 12, 2012 19:11:30 UTC