Campus Representatives | Fulbright Scholar Program
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Campus Representatives|

Fulbright Scholar Program

CIES would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new Fulbright Scholar Campus Representatives!

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-> Campus Reps Listing
-> Conferences & Workshops
-> Campus Reps E-Newsletter

There are approximately 2,400 designated Fulbright representatives on college and university campuses throughout the United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico for the Fulbright Program for Faculty and Professionals. This network of committed individuals is crucial to the promotion of the Fulbright Program to the U.S. higher education community.

Campus Representatives:

  • Receive Fulbright publicity and recruitment materials from CIES throughout the year.

  • Distribute the announcement of the annual U.S. competition for Fulbright awards on campus.

  • Publicize the Fulbright Program in campus publications, listservs and Web sites.

  • Publicize the names of faculty and administrators who receive Fulbright grants. A directory of recent participants in the U.S. scholar program may be accessed online.

  • Organize campus workshops for faculty who are considering applying for the Fulbright Program.

  • Encourage participation in the Scholar-in-Residence and Occasional Lecturer Programs. A directory of visiting scholars and their contact information may be accessed online.

  • Alert the campus community to the presence of visiting Fulbright scholars.

Throughout the year CIES staff attend and offer information at a variety of professional and academic conferences. They also conduct Fulbright Scholar Workshops for faculty and campus representatives. Please take the opportunity to meet CIES staff when they are in your area.

Fulbright Scholar Program Newsletter

Fulbright Scholar Program News (Campus Reps Newsletter) is published biannually by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars. This publication provides program updates and information on conferences, workshops and meetings.

We would like to highlight your efforts to promote the Fulbright Program in our next issue. If you have recent accomplishments you would like to share or suggestions for the content of our next newsletter, contact:

Athena Mison Fulay
Program Officer - Outreach and Communication
Fulbright Scholar Program
Tel: 202.686.6242
Joseph Peters
Susan Davidson
Nicholas Sironka
The Fulbright Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education.

© Copyright Council for International Exchange of Scholars . 3007 Tilden Street NW Suite 5L, Washington DC 20008-3009 . Phone: 202-686-4000 . Fax: 202-362-3442 . E-mail: