Local Food Economies:
Meeting the needs of producers and consumers

Buehler Alumni Center, UC Davis

December 2-3, 2008


Conference Information

SAREP invites Cooperative Extension personnel, researchers, administrators, government agencies, nonprofits, farmers and community participants to learn together from these and other food systems efforts. Participants will:

  • Learn about new county and regional food systems activities
  • Share and discuss lessons learned, challenges overcome and tools developed by these and other food systems enterprises
  • Share ideas about how to increase the effectiveness or expand these initiatives
  • Share insights across disciplines and between university and community partners
  • Share ideas about improving future SAREP-funded competitive grants programs in local food systems
  • Network with colleagues and new acquaintances

The Local Food Systems Symposium will convene at 1:00 pm on December 2nd (Tuesday) and conclude at 4:00 on December 3rd (Wednesday). The conference will begin with an inspirational address by Paul Muller of Full Belly Farms, an innovative California organic farm. Michael Dimock, President of Roots of Change, will share his vision of sustainable food systems and provide a context for the conference's discussions on the second day. The conference will include panel presentations, smaller break-out groups and open time for networking. And.we will all enjoy some great local food!
