Editorial policies

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About editorial policies

The Nature journals' editorial policies concerning publication of primary scientific research can be found on the pages listed below. The policies described are those of Nature and the journals with "Nature" in their titles. A list of these journals and a description of the relationship between them can be found here.

Publication ethics

 Nature journals' editorial policies concerning ethics of publication of primary research: authorship, duplicate publication, plagiarism, fabrication, digital image manipulation, competing financial interests, confidentiality and pre-publicity.

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Nature journals' editorial policies on publishing primary research reporting experiments on living organisms; and on biosecurity and bioethics.

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Availability of data and materials

Nature journals' policy on availability of materials and data, including mutant strains and cell lines; sequences and structures; microarrays; and other supporting data.

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Peer-review policy

Nature journals' advice for peer-reviewers, and policies relevant to the peer-review process.

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Nature journals' policy on authors' communication with the media and at scientific meetings.

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Nature journals' policy on corrections, retractions and other amendments to published material.

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License to publish

Nature Publishing Group's license to publish policy, and conditions of re-use, for authors.

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Policies feedback

We welcome feedback and comments about our editorial policies.

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pdf The entire guide for Editorial Policies is available in PDF format.

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