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Vendor Request for Direct Deposit Payment

Vendor Request for Direct Deposit Payment

Opportunity for payment by direct deposit from the
Province of Manitoba

The Manitoba Government offers vendors the option of receiving payment for goods and services via "Electronic Funds Transfer" (EFT), instead of by cheque.

In addition to payment by cheque, payment by direct deposit is available where the vendor banking information is provided in duly authorized form by the vendor.

Vendor Requirements

We have developed a Vendor Request For Direct Deposit Payment form that vendors are to use to request this method of payment.

EFT payments to vendors will begin once we have:

  • received the correctly completed request form, and
  • verified its accuracy. To this end, the form (signed by an authorized officer of the business), and a void cheque, must be mailed (not faxed) to the address below. Where there is no original void cheque to attach, you must have the banking information verified and signed off by your financial institution.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns in these matters, you may contact Central Accounts Payable-Manitoba Finance by telephone at 945-8508, 945-6051, or 945-3974 or by mail at 711-401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C OP8.

Note:  Some program areas of the Provincial Government will continue to pay by cheque. In these cases, vendor concerns should be addressed directly to the paying department.