Forests and timber: a field guide to exotic pests and diseases

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Forests and timber: a field guide to exotic pests and diseases

Cover page for Forests and Timer: A Field Guide to Exotic Pests and DiseasesThis field guide has been produced by AQIS, the National Office of Animal and Plant Health (NOAPH) and the Standing Committee on Forestry (SCF). The guide aims to provide basic information on some high-risk exotic pests and diseases of forest and amenity trees and imported timber.

Full copy of the guide  PDF [1.3MB] or viewed online in the following sections:

Full contents - Field guide to exotic pests and diseases
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Introduction
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Acknowledgements
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Contacts
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Annosus root and butt rot
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Asian gypsy moth
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Asian longhorn beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Black carpenter ant
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Black stain root disease
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Blue gum mycosphaerella
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Burnt pine longicorn beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Casuarina blister bark
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Chestnut blight
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Drywood longicorn beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Dutch elm disease
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Eucalyptus rust
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: European house borer
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: European spruce bark beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Formosan Subterranean Termite
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Hoop pine weevil
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Mountain pine beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Nun moth
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Pine pitch canker
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Pinewood nematode
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Powder post beetle
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Western drywood termite
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Western gall rust
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: White spotted tussock moth
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Wood wasp
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Glossary
Field guide to exotic pests and diseases: Disclaimer

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Last reviewed: 30 Jan 2008