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Purchase of Clothing from Responsible Manufacturers

Purchase of Clothing from Responsible Manufacturers


The Manitoba Government is committed to community economic development and social considerations as a key component of Manitoba's economic strategy, intended to develop a provincial economy that is more inclusive, equitable and sustainable. 

Consistent with the Sustainable Development Act (1998), "Manitobans should think globally when acting locally, recognizing that there is economic and social interdependence among provinces and nations ..." Further, Manitoba's Provincial Sustainable Development Code of Practice (2001) requires that the Government's decisions and activities strive toward "ensuring that our local decision-making is consistent with our global environmental, economic and social responsibilities".

Procurement practices can be one way to assist corporate social responsibilities.  To that end, Manitoba Procurement Services Branch has introduced a policy for the Purchase of Clothing from Responsible Manufacturers to promote awareness and to educate the vendor and subcontractor community about Manitoba's interest in dealing with vendors that supply clothing at competitive prices without engaging in exploitive labour practices.

Manitoba is the first federal, provincial or territorial jurisdiction to establish a Responsible Manufacturing Policy. 


There are several key benefits under this policy:

  • Education and awareness of humane working conditions by vendors and their subcontractors
  • Better understanding of the working conditions in the supporting supply chain
  • Relationship building between vendors and government buyers
  • Support for vendors with responsible labour practices


The goal of the new policy is to purchase clothing that has been manufactured in a responsible way, namely manufactured in compliance with a local laws and a set of minimum labour standards.  See Purchase of Clothing from Responsible Manufacturers.


This policy will apply to purchases by all departments in the Manitoba Government, including Special Operating Agencies who purchase clothing using the tendering services of the Procurement Services Branch.


Procurement activity by the Manitoba government under this policy is available on the Responsible Manufacturing Report PDF File document.