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Agreement on Internal Trade

Agreement on Internal Trade

Summary of the Agreement

The Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) was signed on July 18, 1994 by the First Ministers of all 10 provinces, two territories (Yukon and Northwest Territories) and the federal government (referred to as "Parties" in the context of the AIT) and came into force on July 1, 1995.

The AIT was established to provide a framework to reduce and eliminate barriers to the inter-provincial movement of goods, services, labour and investment, and to bring about a more open and stable domestic trade within Canada. The AIT is an evolutionary process that requires ongoing negotiations and adjustments in order to further liberalize trade throughout the Canadian economy.

Guiding Principles of the AIT were agreed to by all Parties and are included in Six General Rules which prevent governments from erecting new trade barriers and which require the reduction of existing rules in areas covered under the Agreement.

1. Reciprocal Non-Discrimination
2. Right of Entry and Exit
3. No Obstacles
4. Legitimate Objectives
5. Reconciliation
6. Transparency

Chapter 5 (Procurement)

Chapter 5 of the AIT sets out a framework and defines the rules for public procurement, which are based on the guidelines principles found in the Six General Rules and applies to tenders where the procurement value equals or exceeds the following amounts:

  • $25,000 for goods
  • $100,000 for services
  • $100,000 for construction

Additional information on the AIT and Manitoba's obligation under Chapter 5 (Procurement) is outlined in PSB Procurement Bulletin on the Agreement on Internal Trade and includes:

  • Obligations to comply
  • Application of the rules and thresholds to various public sector entities
  • Procurement Thresholds
  • Exceptions, procurements that may not be subject to the AIT
  • Electronic Tendering as a means of open and fair tendering
  • Dispute Resolution Procedures

Full text of the AIT, Protocols of Amendments and related information may be obtained by contacting the Internal Trade Secretariat at

Additional information on the Internet sites used by governments to publish tender notices, rules for public sector procurement, complaint procedures and procurement contacts may be obtained on a host site called MARCAN,


Inquiries on Chapter 5 (Procurement) may be directed to

David Ash
Procurement Services
2nd Floor - 270 Osborne Street N.
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V7
Ph:   204-945-6368
Fax: 204-945-1455

General Inquiries on all the Chapters of the AIT may be directed to

Alan Barber
Director, Policy, Planning and Coordination
Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade
910-259 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3P4
Ph:   204-945-8714
Fax: 204-945-1354

General Inquiries may also be directed to  

Anna Maria Magnifico
Executive Director
Internal Trade Secretariat
Suite 850, 444 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T1
Ph:   204-987-8094
Fax: 204-942-8460