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Request For Proposal: S*T*O*P VAWA ARRA Training Program

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is the state agency charged with the administration of S*T*O*P (Services " Training " Officers " Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program (S*T*O*P VAWA) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, from which this RFP will be issued. These funds are meant to supplement the regular STOP VAWA award received annually by the state of Illinois and administered by ICJIA. 

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act program, it is critical that applicants address the  nations economic recovery in their proposals specifying how these funds will be used for the creation and preservation of jobs, leading the way for economic prosperity in their area, while addressing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Grants supported through this program must be for the training of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, other court personnel, and victim service personnel to more effectively identify and respond to violent crimes against women, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.

Proposals deadline for electronic submission is 12:00 p.m. Monday September 21, 2009.


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The New ICJIA Grants Website

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Grants Website was created by the Federal State Grants Unit to assist grantees quickly locate information about criminal justice related grants. Visit our new ICJIA Grants Website for current funding opportunties and other grant information located here on the ICJIA Website on the Left Panel under the Grants tab.


Project Safe Neighborhoods Website

The purpose of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is to reduce incidences of gun violence in Chicagos most afflicted neighborhoods. They accomplish this objective through a multi-faceted approach that includes law enforcement, intervention and prevention strategies. PSN carries out these strategies through the development of partnerships amongst Federal, State and Local government as well as community and faith-based providers. Their comprehensive strategy is designed to prevent youth from committing a gun crime; intervene in the lives of those individuals struggling to re-integrate into society following release from prison; and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those individuals who choose to threaten the safety of Chicagos neighborhoods by committing a gun crime.


Authority Publications

The Authority regularly publishes or supports publication of criminal justice research and evaluation reports and bulletins, crime prevention brochures, technical manuals, data guides, statistical profiles, annual reports, and criminal justice periodicals. You'll find descriptions of each publication and links to current and back issues under the ICJIA Publications section. Publications are only downloadable in PDF format.

The following Publications were recently released in pdf format:


The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is requesting proposals for local initiatives that will improve or enhance law enforcement programs, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, corrections and community corrections programs, drug treatment and enforcement programs, and crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). ICJIA has identified priorities within each of these JAG program purpose areas.  These priorities are identified in the proposal packet.  Proposals must specify the priority for which funding is being requested. These grants will be made with the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Justice Assistance Grants (ARRA JAG). A total of $16.3 million is being made available for programs. There is no match requirement for ARRA JAG funding.

Local units of government, counties, and not-for-profits working in collaboration with a local unit of government or county are eligible. Recipients must be prepared to track and report on the specific outcomes and benefits attributable to use of grant funds. Only proposals that demonstrate job creation and/or job preservation will be considered. Click here for additional requirements. Hard copies of these materials may be requested by e-mail, fax, phone, or U.S. mail.

Proposals must be received by noon, August 31, 2009.  Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted.  Late submissions will not be accepted.  Allow 7 to 10 days for U.S. Mail delivery.  Envelopes postmarked prior to due date but received late will not be accepted.  More than one proposal from the same agency will not be accepted. Online application submission is preferred, but not required.  When submitting hard copies of the proposal, please send one original (with original signatures) and three copies.  Paperclip original, staple copies.

Send or deliver materials to:
2009 ARRA JAG Program Proposal
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
ARRA Programs Proposal
300 West Adams Street, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60606
ATTN:  Marilyn Mazewski

Questions may be directed to Marilyn Mazewski by: Phone:  312-793-0892 TDD:  312-793-4170 E-mail: Or fax:  312-793-8422.


Summary of Budget Committee Action Taken on June 30

The Authoritys Budget Committee met on June 30, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. at the Authoritys office building, located at 300 West Adams, Chicago, Illinois, in the 8th Floor Conference Room.

Agenda items included:

  1. Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) FFY05 through FFY07 Plan Adjustments and FFY08 Plan Introduction
  2. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) FFY03 and FFY05 through FFY08 Plan Adjustments
  3. Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) FFY05 through FFY08 Plan Adjustments and FFY09 Plan Introduction



The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is requesting proposals for law enforcement equipment grants to be made with the 2009 Recovery: Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funding.  Eligible applicants include units of local or county government on behalf of established law enforcement agencies.  Established means the program agency (law enforcement agency) has certified, paid, and active officers as of July 9, 2009.  A total of $2.5 million is being made available for equipment specific to law enforcement officer safety.  The deadline for submitting this proposal is August 14, 2009.

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority will be requesting proposals for additional 2009 Recovery: JAG funding purposes during the coming weeks.  Non-law enforcement entities interested in applying for Recovery: JAG funding and law enforcement agencies interested in applying for non-equipment related funding are encouraged to check this site on a weekly basis for upcoming funding announcements.


ICJIA announces Trends and Issues 2008

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is pleased to announce availability of Trends and Issues 2008: A profile of criminal and juvenile justice in Illinois.

The first large-scale report of its kind since 1997, Trends and Issues 2008 paints a comprehensive statistical portrait of crime and justice in Illinois from 1995 through 2005. This state-of-the-state report highlights a decade of trends in criminal and juvenile justice and their components, including law enforcement, courts, corrections, and victim services. Topics that have become increasingly important during the course of the decade also are featured.

Trends and Issues 2008 is intended to serve as a valuable resource for criminal justice policymakers, practitioners, and anyone interested in crime and justice in Illinois.


PROTOCOL FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT: Responding to Victims of Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

In February 2006, in partnership with the Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA), the Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Councils (IFVCC) convened a statewide Responding to Elder Abuse Committee. The purpose of the committee is to identify and develop resources to assist the courts, criminal justice systems and communities in responding to the needs of abused seniors. According to the Illinois Department on Aging, about 4 to 5 percent of senior citizens experience some kind of mistreatment and only about 1 in 13 cases of elder abuse are ever reported. Of the seniors abused, almost 35 percent were living with their abusers. Of the abusers, 40 percent were children of the victim. Due to the underreporting of elder abuse, the need for specialized training and the lack of resources for law enforcement the committee determined the need for a law enforcement protocol.

The Protocol for Law Enforcement:  Responding to Victims of Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation is a revised version of the TRIAD Crimes Against the Elderly Protocol developed in the late 1990s. It was updated to reflect current laws and practices.

Click below to download the 81 Page Protocol for Law Enforcement:

Copies of the protocol or information about these organization can also be found on the following websites:

If you would like a copy of the Protocol sent to you on CD-ROM or emailed directly to you please contact Heather Dorsey, Senior State Council Coordinator, IFVCC at 217-785-4271 or Email


New Federal Reporting Requirement: Death in Custody Reporting Act

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) has accepted the responsibility for the compilation and quarterly submission to U.S. Department of Justices Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) information related to deaths that occur while persons are in police custody or in the process of being arrested.

The Deaths in Custody Reporting Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-297) requires states to report the number of deaths and the circumstances surrounding the deaths, of persons in local jails, state prisons, juvenile correctional facilities, and law enforcement custody. BJS will use this data solely for the purpose of statistical analyses of the incidence of and circumstances surrounding deaths during arrest. An annual report on such deaths will be published, but no single department or agency will be identified.

Revised S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women In Illinois A Multi-Year Plan: FFY06-08

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), authorized by Title IV of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 and subsequently reauthorized as the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, provides financial assistance to states for developing and strengthening effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. To be eligible to receive funds, states must develop a plan in accordance with requirements set out in the Act. The Act specifies that states must allocate at least 25 percent of the VAWA funds it receives to law enforcement, 25 percent to prosecution, 30 percent to nonprofit, non-governmental victim services, and at least 5 percent to courts.  The remaining 15 percent may be allocated at the state’s discretion, within the parameters of the Act. Funds may not be used to replace dollars already committed to a service or program.

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is Authorized under the it’s power to “apply for, receive, establish priorities for, allocate, disburse, and spend grant funds,” the Authority is responsible for administering a variety of grant funds, including 13 Federal programs and one state program. The combined budgets for these programs exceeded $100 million in FFY06.  As the state agency charged with administering the S.T.O.P. (Services*Training*Officers*Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Act award in Illinois, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is responsible for developing the plan for distributing these Federal funds.


Sex Offender Tracking Resource Center

Are you curious if a sex offender lives in your area or wondering what laws Illinois has enacted to protect your children? Check the Authoritys Sex Offender Tracking Resource Center for information on Registered Sex Offender Web Sites, Illinois Sex Offender and Child Murderer Community Notification Law, Sex Offender Registration Act, Description of the Sex Offender Criminal Offenses, and Sex Offender Facts.

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