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Umbrella Certification Operations Manual CFRC December 23, 2008
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This operations manual provides information explaining the roles, responsibilities and structure of the Umbrella Certification system developed by CFRC to help improve access to FSC certification for small, private forestowners. The supporting forms and checklists are in the appendix, a separate document.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC December 18, 2008
Adobe PDF file 27k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
State Woody Biomass Utilization Policies Dennis R. Becker & Christine Lee December 11, 2008
Adobe PDF file 693k Document summary
Woody biomass utilization can make significant contributions to renewable energy production, wildfire risk reduction, and enhancement of forest health. It may also provide economic and community development opportunities. Consequently, a number of policy initiatives have been implemented in recent years at both the federal and state level to address particular challenges with using woody biomass. The purpose of this database is to provide a comprehensive, up-todate guide to woody biomass legislation for each state in the country.
Family Forest Certification in the United States: Program and Activity Updates Dovetail Partners, Inc. December 11, 2008
Adobe PDF file 546k Document summary
This report summarizes recent developments within the American Tree Farm System (ATFS) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), and identifies the next steps that are needed to continue to grow family forest owner participation.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC December 11, 2008
Adobe PDF file 34k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC December 4, 2008
Adobe PDF file 28k Document summary
The CFRC Weekly Summary will be on hiatus from December 19 through January 15. We will return on January 22, 2009. This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Implementation Plan Review Checklist CFRC December 1, 2008
MS Word file 75k Document summary
This checklist is used in order to review and approve (or suggest changes) to implementation plans.
Template Harvest Plan CFRC December 1, 2008
MS Word file 93k Document summary
This is a template harvest plan to be used as a guide for writing harvest plans.
Timber Harvest Protocol CFRC December 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 157k Document summary
This document details the steps and timeline for conducting a harvest.
Timber Harvest Protocol Timeline CFRC December 1, 2008
MS Excel file 74k Document summary
This document is a timeline and checklist meant to aid forest owners in completing all steps required in a commercial timber harvest.
Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (Minnesota & Wisconsin) CFRC December 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 72k Document summary
This is a list of Tribal Historic Preservation offices in Minnesota & Wisconsin which contains contact information.
Umbrella Certification Operations Manual - APPENDIX CFRC December 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 1558k Document summary
This document includes all of the reporting forms and checklists associated with the umbrella certification system.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC November 26, 2008
Adobe PDF file 93k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC November 20, 2008
Adobe PDF file 27k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC November 13, 2008
Adobe PDF file 24k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC October 30, 2008
Adobe PDF file 28k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC October 16, 2008
Adobe PDF file 43k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC October 9, 2008
Adobe PDF file 28k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC October 2, 2008
Adobe PDF file 42k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Paper Recycling in the United States and Beyond: An Update Dovetail Partners, Inc. September 24, 2008
Adobe PDF file 420k Document summary
Today, paper and paperboard recovery (collection) and recycling (reuse) rates in the United States are approximately 56% and 37%, respectively. Both numbers represent record or near record levels for the nation. Since 1990, paper recovery in the U.S. has grown by more than 87%. The U.S. paper industry continues to establish new benchmarks and has set 60% as the target recovery rate by 2012.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC September 18, 2008
Adobe PDF file 43k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC September 11, 2008
Adobe PDF file 42k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
FSC Statement: Forests and Climate Change FSC September 4, 2008
Adobe PDF file 16k Document summary
A recently published statement by the FSC on forests and climate change.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC September 4, 2008
Adobe PDF file 38k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Synthesis of Knowledge from Woody Biomass Removal Case Studies Alexander Evans/Forest Guild and USFS September 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 2221k Document summary
Interest in woody biomass from forests has increased because of rising fuel costs, concerns about greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, and the threat of catastrophic wildfires. However, getting woody biomass from the forest to the consumer presents economic and logistical challenges.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC August 28, 2008
Adobe PDF file 38k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC August 7, 2008
Adobe PDF file 30k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC July 31, 2008
Adobe PDF file 30k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC July 24, 2008
Adobe PDF file 75k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week
Trends in Forest-Based Carbon Sequestration in Asia: Implications for the United States Jeff Bowyer, Dovetail Partners, Inc. July 21, 2008
Adobe PDF file 1225k Document summary
As Americans consider the role of forests in climate mitigation and possible mechanisms for rewarding forest-related carbon sequestration, it makes sense to look at how other nations and regions are proceeding with forest carbon sequestration programs. This article focuses on such programs in Asia, a region that may someday serve as a major source of forest based carbon credits for American buyers.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC July 17, 2008
Adobe PDF file 72k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC July 10, 2008
Adobe PDF file 24k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC June 26, 2008
Adobe PDF file 26k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
The Great Lakes Region: A Forest Certification Hub, 6-month status report Kathryn Fernholz, Dovetail Partners June 23, 2008
Adobe PDF file 658k Document summary
In November 2007, Dovetail Partners issued a report that highlighted the results of 10-years of forest certification leadership in the Great Lakes Region.1 Over the past decade the Great Lakes Region, including the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and the Province of Ontario, has become a hub for forest certification. In the 6-months since that report, certification activities in the Great Lakes Region have undergone another wave of growth, and further accomplishments are expected before the end of 2008.
Forest Certification Update: The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Matthew Wenabn-Smith, Dovetail Partners June 23, 2008
Adobe PDF file 1560k Document summary
In 2004 and 2005 Dovetail Partners released a series of reports outlining the major forest certification programs,1 followed in April 2007 by a report highlighting subsequent changes within the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) program. This latest report considers recent changes to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) program.
Harvesting Fuel: Cutting Costs and Reducing Forest fire Hazards Through Biomass Harvest Don Arnosti, Dr. Dalia Abbas, Dr. Dean Current, Dr. Michael Demchik June 19, 2008
Adobe PDF file 6576k Document summary
This study was designed to provide information on two sets of challenges to the development of biomass markets in and around the Superior National Forest: 1) economic and operational issues faced by loggers; and 2) environmental constraints of concern to and managers, scientists and policymakers involved in developing and refining biomass harvest practices. In the course of our study, we determined that administrative systems and constraints formed a third and important set of challenges to the development of biomass markets.
Harvesting Fuel: Executive Summary Don Arnosti, Dr. Dalia Abbas, Dr. Dean Current, Dr. Michael Demchik June 19, 2008
Adobe PDF file 2107k Document summary
The Exectuvie Summary for the repor "Harvesting Fuel: Cutting Costs and Reducing Forest Fire Hazards Through Biomass Harvest."
Harvesting Fuel: Data Appendix Dr. Michael Demchik June 19, 2008
Adobe PDF file 175k Document summary
The complete data appendix for the report "Harvesting Fuel: Cutting Costs and Reducing Forest Fire Hazards Through Biomass Harvest."
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC June 19, 2008
Adobe PDF file 26k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC June 12, 2008
Adobe PDF file 22k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC June 5, 2008
Adobe PDF file 23k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Green Building Programs in the United States Dr. Jim Bowyer & Alison Lindburg May 29, 2008
Adobe PDF file 702k Document summary
Green Building Materials: Made in Minnesota Alison Lindburg May 29, 2008
Adobe PDF file 2238k Document summary
Over the past decade, interest in green building and environmentally friendly design has continued to grow. Nearly half of all new homes are expected to incorporate “green” elements by 2010.1 While the movement has gained significant ground, there is still debate about what defines “green,” which standards should be followed, and how to choose between alternatives.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC May 29, 2008
Adobe PDF file 23k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC May 22, 2008
Adobe PDF file 21k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Community Forestry Connections CFRC May 22, 2008
Adobe PDF file 675k Document summary
The Spring 2008 Edition of the Community Forestry Connections Newsletter.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC May 8, 2008
Adobe PDF file 21k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Wood Products and Carbon Protocols: Carbon Storage and Low Energy Intensity Should be Considered Dr. Jim Bowyer May 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 1098k Document summary
The time is right and strong opportunities exist for carbon protocols and markets for carbon credits to recognize the carbon storage benefits of wood products.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC May 1, 2008
Adobe PDF file 24k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Biomass and Carbon Markets for Private Landowners: Promise or Peril? Don Arnosti April 28, 2008
Adobe PDF file 2337k Document summary
A powerpoint presentation on Biomass and Carbon Markets and their potential for private landowners. Originally presented at the Sustainable Forestry Gathering in Wisconsin Dells, WI on April 26, 2008.
CFRC Weekly Summary CFRC April 24, 2008
Adobe PDF file 23k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly News Summary CFRC April 17, 2008
Adobe PDF file 21k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly News Summary CFRC April 11, 2008
Adobe PDF file 27k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
CFRC Weekly News Summary CFRC April 4, 2008
Adobe PDF file 27k Document summary
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Keeping Records of Forest Management Activites PennState College of Agricultural Science March 28, 2008
Adobe PDF file 180k Document summary
Forest landowners should keep records of activities on their forestlands. Accurate, complete, and well-organized records are important for a number of reasons but especially for reporting forest management expenses and revenues for income tax purposes. This publication is primarily for landowners whose main source of income is not from the forested property. It introduces you to recordkeeping, what to record, and simple recording systems.