1.800.858.7378 npic@ace.orst.edu
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Bed Bugs

If you think you have bed bugs, don’t panic. There is a lot you can do; learn more and create an action plan. Bed bugs are hard to control, even for professionals. When using pesticides, always read and follow the label directions. Be mindful of the possible dangers of using pesticides. These days, many bed bugs are resistant to common pesticides. Bug bombs (foggers) don’t work for bed bugs. Learn more, one step at a time.

Use the EPA Bed Bug Information Clearinghouse to find bed bug information for First Responders, Health Care Facilities, Hotels, Housing Authorities, Landlords, Pest Management Professionals, Residential, Schools/Childcare, Shelters, Transportation Services, and Workers Entering Homes.

University of Arizona and collaborating researchers hope to determine the real impact and social cost of bed bugs, the risks to individuals and society, as well as the significant causes of infestations. Take their survey here.

The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) received hundreds of calls last year from all over the country about bed bugs. If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 1-800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at npic@ace.orst.edu.

Additional Resources:

Last updated January 20, 2016

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