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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 09034

Branch : Conte Anadromous Fish Laboratory
Study Plan Number : 09034
Study Title : Salinity tolerance, growth, stress and swimming energetics of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon
Starting Date : 10/01/1997
Completion Date : 09/30/2002
Principal Investigator(s) : McCormick, Steve
Primary PI : McCormick, Steve
Telephone Number : (413) 863-3804
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5001510
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element : Fish and Aquatic Habitats
Status : Completed
Abstract :

Atlantic sturgeon have undergone substantial population declines in almost every river that they have historically inhabited in eastern North America. Although commercial fisheries still exist in some rivers the total catch is 3% of historic highs {2994}. The closely related shortnose sturgeon is a federally endangered species, while the Atlantic sturgeon has been listed as threatened in many rivers. Successful commercial culture of the white sturgeon from western North America indicates that culture for recovery of Atlantic sturgeon is feasible, and this species may be a candidate for commercial culture in Eastern North America {2995}. Knowledge of the biology of Atlantic sturgeon is very limited. Information on physiological tolerances to salinity, flow and stress are needed to formulate effective management plans for these species (Booker et al., 1993). There is no published information on the development of salinity tolerance or stress response in Atlantic sturgeon, and only limited information on their swimming capacity, growth and metabolic rates. This information will be critical in designing and implementing a culture program for Atlantic sturgeon, and in understanding the movement of these fish from fresh water to seawater in the wild.


1) To define the limits of salinity tolerance in Atlantic sturgeon, including the effects of development (size and age), temperature and season.

2) Determine the impact of handling and confinement on survival and physiological indicators of stress in juvenile Atlantic sturgeon.

3) Quantify the limits of aerobic swimming ability and the resting and swimming metabolic rates of Atlantic sturgeon.

4) Determine the effects of salinity, temperature, stress and flow conditions on growth of juvenile Atlantic sturgeon.

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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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