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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 08012-10

Branch : Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory
Study Plan Number : 08012-10
Study Title : Reproduction and alevin marking techniques for Atlantic salmon
Starting Date :
Completion Date :
Principal Investigator(s) :
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SIS Number : 5002152
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element : Application of Science Information to Management
Status : Completed
Abstract : This project has two separate parts: 1) testing methods to improve gamete handling and fertilization of eggs, and 2) development of a fry marking method for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Losses of salmon eggs fertilized and transported to incubation facilities precipitated the first study, to determine whether short-term gamete storage methods could be improved, and whether transportation of eggs or hatchery handling procedures were the main cause of mortalities. We intended to determine how routine egg handling procedures affected mortality and to find improved sperm storage methods for varying situations which occur within the Atlantic salmon restoration program. Eggs were tested with a mechanical egg shock device to determine susceptibility to breakage over the first 6 hours after fertilization. The second portion of study deals with development of an inexpensive method of biochemical marking with nonlethal sampling procedures for Atlantic salmon fry.
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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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