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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 03027

Branch : Southern Appalachian Field Branch
Study Plan Number : 03027
Study Title : The life history of Fattigiapele (Ross) (Trichopters Sericostomatidae) in the Appalachian mountains of western North Carolina and the Great Smoky Mountains
Starting Date : 09/01/1998
Completion Date : 09/30/2000
Principal Investigator(s) : Parker, Charles
Primary PI : Parker, Charles
Telephone Number : (865) 436-1704
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5003265
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element : Fish and Aquatic Habitats
Status : Completed
Abstract : The monotypic genus Fattigia Ross consists of the single species F. pele (Ross). This species is restricted to the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Although F. pele is common and even locally abundant in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) and surrounding areas, little is known about its geographical distribution, elevation range, or life history. Fattigia pele seems to be restricted to higher elevations - in lower elevations it apparently is replaced by the closely related genus Agarodes. The definition of "higher" and "lower" elevations is imprecise due to a lack of data. As with most sericostomatids, F. pele is a burrowing species found in sandy depositional areas along the edges and backwaters of streams. However, not all sandy areas harbor F. pele populations, and within what seems to be a uniform area of sand, F. pele often is patchily distributed. The majority of caddisfly species have five larval instars.
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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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