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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 03006

Branch : Southern Appalachian Field Branch
Study Plan Number : 03006
Study Title : Human resources inventory and monitoring program: the Mammoth Cave National Park (MACA) case study
Starting Date :
Completion Date :
Principal Investigator(s) : Peine, John D.
Primary PI : Peine, John D.
Telephone Number : (865) 974-4056
Email Address :
SIS Number : 5003187
Primary Program Element : Application of Science Information to Management
Second Program Element : Status and Trends
Status : Completed
Abstract : As a follow up to a previous visitor use study, officials at Mammoth Cave National Park requested the design of a human resources inventorying and monitoring program to be a companion to their National Park Service award winning Natural Resources Inventorying and Monitoring program. This project interpreted data collected from a previous study in the design of a long term monitoring program. Six data sets were assembled utilizing a variety of techniques of conducting social research: exit interviews, diaries, mail back surveys, comment cards, unobtrusive observation, focus groups discussions, and analysis of existing records dealing with visitor activity in the park. Research objectives included: defining the client base, including origin/destination of visit, visitor behavior, opinions on park facilities and services-- especially the cave tours, backcountry use, river use, efficiency of the cave tour reservation system, accuracy of counting visitors, and visitor use of tourist facilities.
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Last Modified: October 21, 2002 dwn
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