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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 02120

Branch : Aquatic Ecology Branch
Study Plan Number : 02120
Study Title : Do pesticides reduce innate antimicrobial defense of amphibian skin?
Starting Date : 03/01/2008
Completion Date : 09/30/2010
Principal Investigator(s) : Robertson, Laura S.
Primary PI : Robertson, Laura S.
Telephone Number : (304) 724-4579
Email Address :
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Status : Active

Initially recognized at the First World Congress of Herpetology in 1989, the decline of amphibian species has become a conservation issue of national and global importance. The IUCN-The World Conservation Union Global Amphibian Assessment study found that approximately 43% of amphibian species are experiencing population decreases and about 33% are globally threatened [1, 2]. While habitat loss impacts 90% of all threatened amphibians, many species are declining in protected areas [2]. One potentially significant cause for amphibian declines is infectious disease; an important amphibian defense against pathogenic attack (e.g., bacteria, fungi, and enveloped viruses) is antimicrobial peptides.


1) Develop a noninvasive method to collect antimicrobial peptides from frogs in field studies and develop a real-time PCR assay to measure the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes.

2) Investigate the effects of exposure to pesticide on the production of antimicrobial peptides.

3) Measure antimicrobial peptide gene expression in mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) in the Sierra Nevada. Is there a correlation between antimicrobial gene expression and pesticide exposure?


Pesticide exposure alters expression of antimicrobial peptides in the skin secretions of frogs.

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