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Detailed project information for
Study Plan Number 01098

Branch : Fish Health Branch
Study Plan Number : 01098
Study Title : Second United States and Russia Bilateral Symposium of Fish Health and the Environment
Starting Date : 10/01/2002
Completion Date : 09/30/2004
Principal Investigator(s) : Cipriano, Rocco C.
Primary PI : Cipriano, Rocco C.
Telephone Number : (304) 724-4432
Email Address :
SIS Number :
Primary Program Element : Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Second Program Element :
Status : Completed
Abstract : The second bilateral conference between scientists from Russia and the United States entitled “Marine and Aquatic Animal Health” was convened 21 – 28 September 2003 in Shepherdstown (West Virginia, U.S.A.) as part of the overall Project 02.05-81 “Fisheries and the Environment,” administered through the Russian Federation Inter-Department Ichthyological Commission, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of Russia - Department of Fisheries, and the U.S. Department of the Interior. The conference was sponsored by the bilateral leadership of Laboratory of Ichthyopathology of the All Russian Research Institute of Freshwater Fisheries (ARRIFF; Rybnoe, Russia) and the National Fish Health Research Laboratory (NFHRL) of the U. S. Department of the Interior (Leetown, West Virginia, U.S.A.). Under the direction of co-chairmen, Dr. Igor S. Shchelkunov (Laboratory of Ichthyopathology) and Dr. Rocco C. Cipriano (NFHRL-Leetown), 18 Russian, 4 Ukraian, 27 American, and one scientist from Canada and Belarus reviewed specific areas affecting aquatic and marine animal ecology that affect epidemiological aspects of population health and disease. Topics included restoration of feral Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, and sturgeons; mycobacterial infections and etiological investigations on lesion development among coastal fishes; disease issues that have influenced declines in shrimp, lobster and shellfish populations; aquatic animal stranding management; coral reef ecology and disease; epidemiology and impact of diseases within aquatic and marine ecosystems; interactions between feral and captive stocks of fish; effects of pollutants on the health of aquatic animals; and the emergence of new pathogens. The program provided a historical synopsis and geographic review of the priority health and disease issues animals within specific inland, coastal, and marine regions of the United States and Russia. The conference was sponsored through financial support from the Khalid Bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of International Affairs. In addition to the scientific proceedings, the participants enjoyed excursions sponsored by the National Aquarium – Baltimore and toured the memorials and monuments of Washington DC with the assistance of a National Park Service ranger. Each of the invited scientific presentations shall be published in a special peer-reviewed edition of the Annual Review of Fish Diseases (Elsiver Publications).
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