Ways to Give

I'd Like to Make a Donation

As a donor to River Network, you will be supporting a nationwide movement to help people understand, protect and restore America's rivers and their watersheds.

I'd Like to Join the Sustainers Circle

You can enjoy the convenience of donating via automatic deductions from your personal checking or savings accounts, while providing River Network with a steady stream of funding that enables us to respond promptly to emerging needs.

I'd Like to Give Via My Workplace

You may be able to donate to River Network at your workplace. River Network participates in the Combined Federal Campaign, and is a member of both the Conservation & Preservation Charities of America and the Earth Share of Oregon. Many major corporations will match the charitable giving of their employees. Check with your employer and double or triple the value of your support!

I'd Like to Donate Stock or Real Estate

Giving a gift of appreciated stock makes "cents" for you and for River Network. Say one of your stock investments has grown from $15 to $75 a share over the past few years. If you asked your broker to sell the stock, you would owe tax on the $60 of appreciation. However, if you made a gift of the stock to River Network, you would avoid the appreciation tax and receive, instead, an income tax charitable deduction on the full value of the stock. Because River Network is a qualified, charitable organization, we can immediately sell the stock and avoid any tax on the appreciation.A gift of real estate, whether it is a vacation home, primary residence or land, can go a long way in helping to protect rivers. Real estate giving is virtually no pain and no capital gain.

I'm Interested in Leaving a Legacy

Through a gift via your will or a charitable trust, you can leave a lasting legacy and help future generations protect and restore America's rivers. To find out more about "planned giving" options, click here.

We'd Like to Become a Corporate Clean Water Champion

Your company can become a Corporate Clean Water Champion by contributing $1,000 or more to River Network and supporting a community-based approach to river conservation.

I'd Like to Volunteer

River Network has volunteer opportunities available. Expand your skills, learn about river conservation techniques and help in the effort to protect and restore our rivers and watersheds.