Michigan's Natural Communities

Key to the CommunitiesRanking Criteria
Natural Community Global and State Ranks
Boreal ForestS3GU
Bur Oak Plains S1G1
Coastal FenS2G1G2
Coastal Plain MarshS2G2
Dry Northern ForestS3G3?
Dry Sand PrairieS2G3
Dry Southern ForestS3G4
Dry-mesic Northern ForestS3G4
Dry-mesic PrairieS1G3
Dry-mesic Southern ForestS3G4
Emergent MarshS4GU
Floodplain ForestS3G3?
Granite Bedrock GladeS2G3G5
Granite Bedrock LakeshoreS2G4G5
Granite CliffS2G4G5
Granite Lakeshore CliffS1GU
Great Lakes BarrensS2G3
Great Lakes MarshS3G2
Hardwood-Conifer SwampS3G4
Hillside PrairieS1G3
Inland Salt MarshS1G1
Interdunal WetlandS2G2?
Intermittent WetlandS3G2
Inundated Shrub SwampS3G4
Lakeplain Oak OpeningsS1G2?
Lakeplain Wet PrairieS1G2
Lakeplain Wet-mesic PrairieS1G1?
Limestone Bedrock GladeS2G2G4
Limestone Bedrock LakeshoreS2G3
Limestone CliffS2G4G5
Limestone Cobble ShoreS3G2G3
Limestone Lakeshore CliffS2G4G5
Mesic Northern ForestS3G4
Mesic PrairieS1G2
Mesic Sand PrairieS1G2
Mesic Southern ForestS3G2G3
Northern BaldS1GU
Northern FenS3G3
Northern Hardwood SwampS3?G4
Northern Shrub ThicketS5G4
Northern Wet MeadowS4G4
Oak Barrens S1G2?
Oak Openings S1G1
Oak-Pine Barrens S2G3
Open DunesS3G3
Patterned FenS2GU
Pine Barrens S2G3
Poor Conifer SwampS4G4
Poor FenS3G3
Prairie FenS3G3
Rich Conifer SwampS3G4
Rich Tamarack SwampS3G4
Sand and Gravel BeachS3G3?
Sandstone Bedrock LakeshoreS2G4G5
Sandstone CliffS2G4G5
Sandstone Cobble ShoreS2G2G3
Sandstone Lakeshore CliffS2G3
Southern Hardwood SwampS3G3
Southern Shrub-CarrS5GU
Southern Wet MeadowS3G4?
Submergent MarshS4GU
Volcanic Bedrock GladeS2GU
Volcanic Bedrock LakeshoreS3G4G5
Volcanic CliffS2G4G5
Volcanic Cobble ShoreS3G4G5
Volcanic Lakeshore CliffS1GU
Wet PrairieS2G3
Wet-mesic FlatwoodsS2G2G3
Wet-mesic PrairieS2G2
Wet-mesic Sand PrairieS2G2G3
Wooded Dune and Swale ComplexS3G3

Communities by Ecological Groups

The natural community classification and descriptions are also available as a PDF document (1.2MB).