Food Revolution

Each time you pick up a fork, you cast a vote for a type of food system. With this vote you can contribute to the regeneration of rural communities, downtown gathering places, local economies and the family farmer. In this section you will find articles on food security, Slow Food, urban gardens, farmers' markets, the reclamation of heritage breeds and heirloom varieties, farm-to-plate restaurants, integrated school gardens and other exciting facets of today's food revolution. Find out about the hidden costs of cheap food and the many benefits of eating locally and organically.

  • Uprising Organics is a small, diversified farm. In addition to a profitable seed operation, it grows produce for farmers' market, some restaurants, a food co-op and for a CSA designed to serve the needs of low-income families. The farmers--and the subscribers--of this venture say the logistical hurdles were manageable and the benefits many.
  • Despite growing pains, the Slow Food movement is helping to change the way people consider their dinner plates—and the farmers who fill them.
  • Listeners get 100-percent local, organic and humanely raised ingredients—and immersion into a community changing the way America eats.
  • The neighborhood is tough, but the vegetables from area farmers are tender. Persisting through many challenges, food-justice activists win over manager and customers.
  • A nonprofit community farm takes a Robin Hood approach to good-food parity, selling CSA shares to the wealthy and giving food away to local shelters, pantries and soup kitchens. This labor of love helps assure that the whole community has access to fresh, healthy produce.