WSDOT Projects

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Rail - Port of Moses Lake/Northern Columbia Basin RR Engineering and Environmental


The Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Project is a proposed rail construction project to promote economic development in the Moses Lake area. The purpose of the proposed Northern Columbia Basin Railroad (NCBR) Project is to provide rail service to lands designated for industrial development in the northern part of the City of Moses Lake as well as to the south and east of the Grant County International Airport (GCIA), to enhance opportunities for economic development, and to attract new rail-dependent businesses to those areas.

The Port of Moses Lake made a formal application to the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) to construct a new rail line from Wheeler to the Grant County International Airport. 

WSDOT is working with the Port of Moses Lake and the STB to develop the required environmental documents for this project. WSDOT spent $270,000 on the feasibility study (pdf 5.3 mb) in 2006. The remaining $1.7 million is being used to complete the environmental process.

Why is WSDOT studying and engineering rail improvements in the Moses Lake area?

The Port of Moses Lake and other local groups believe that rail improvements in the area will support economic development.

The Washington State Legislature directed WSDOT to work with the Port of Moses Lake and the federal Surface Transportation Board (STB) to develop the required environmental documents for this project. The agencies began the environmental review process in spring 2007. Following the July 2007 public open house, the project team continued to gather information and analyze the results. In November 2008, the Preliminary Environmental Assessment was issued for public review and comment. The final environmental document is scheduled for completion in early 2009. This was completed on May 8, 2009 and submitted to the STB who will decide whether to grant permission to the Port of Moses Lake to construct the new line.

The End Result
The Preliminary Environmental Assessment was issued and the public had the opportunity to review and comment on the document. Those comments are being addressed in the final environmental document. The Surface Transportation Board will use the information in the final environmental document to make a decision about the project. If the STB approves the proposed project, the Port of Moses Lake will seek funding from federal, state, and local sources to design the project, purchase land, and construct the project.

Project Benefits

  • The proposed project could attract new industries to the Moses Lake area and support regional economic development.
  • Shipping by rail could minimize the added wear and tear on state roadways caused each year by thousands of heavy truckloads.

What is the project timeline?

  • At the request of local legislators, WSDOT completed a feasibility study for the project in 2006.
  • WSDOT and the STB completed the Preliminary Environmental Assessment in November 2008.
  • Following the Open House on November 20, 2008 and review of the comments received, WSDOT and the STB will work together to produce a Final Environmental Assessment for submission to the STB in May 2009.
  • The STB will then decide in early 2009 whether to authorize construction of the project.

Financial Information

This project is funded through the following sources:

  • 2005 Partnership Funding (Weight Fees) - $2.0 million
  • Total Funding From All Sources - $2.0 million

How can I get more information?
Andrew Wood, PMP
Deputy Rail and Marine Director
State Rail and Marine Office
PO Box 47407 Suite SA-17
Olympia, WA 98504-7407
Phone: 360.705.7938
E-mail:  Andrew Wood

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