Dr Warren Parker.
Dr Warren Parker.

Our sustainability aims

It’s about walking the talk. Developing and promoting more sustainable business practices and lifestyles is one of our three science outcomes, so it is imperative that organisationally we make the best use of the knowledge we develop.

We embrace all elements of sustainability: financial resilience; attracting, developing and retaining great people and providing the best possible work environment; and, of course, the nature of our work makes us very focused on the sustainability of the physical environment.

In this section of our website we outline our strategic priorities to be a sustainable organisation. This complements our printed annual report, which mostly covers the broad issues, trends and highlights of our performance and progress over time.

While our numerous achievements are documented, we are ever mindful that our work will never be complete. Like any organisation, we face conflicting demands for our limited resources. We need to balance our primary investment in science discovery with the application of this new knowledge to provide a sound evidence base for policy, improved management practice, more skilled people, and the delivery of products and services that will improve environmental performance. This includes the way we operate. For example, our Tamaki building illustrates some of the potential of low-impact urban design, we are investing to reduce electricity and water use, and we strive to minimise our carbon footprint and offset all unavoidable emissions.

We are committed to balanced, transparent reporting of material issues across all our activities. We have robust internal processes to ensure our data are accurate and comparable between years, and put in place internal quality processes to support evidence-based reporting.

Warren Parker
Chief Executive

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Last updated: 21/10/2008


Sustainabilty: what we do

GRI indicators
