

KiwiAdélie Penguins
Adélie penguin research in Antarctica.

BioBlitz.... finding nature in the city
24-hour biodiversity initiatives.

Bugs: What is this bug?
identify the bugs found in your house or garden

Insects and Spiders of New Zealand/Aotearoa
In both English and Māori about the insects and spiders found in New Zealand/Aotearoa in an easy-to-use format. Designed especially for primary students of years 2-6 and their teachers. Also information about the New Zealand Arthropod Collection/Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa and the animals depicted on the NZAC pare.

New Zealand Pollination Project
The New Zealand Pollination Project uses research to investigate the interactions between pollinators and plants, leading to a better ecological understanding of pollination that can be used in the management of crop, pasture and native plants and their pollinators.

Possum information sheets
Free information sheets available on the impact, spread, and biological control of this introduced pest.

Stowaways Kids Pages
New Zealand is constantly under attack from aliens - not aliens from outer space but plants and animals from other countries.  They hitch a ride into our country and then threaten our native plants and animals and the places they live.

A nature adventure education site for teachers and children, with Tiaki Tui. Includes some Reo Māori components.

White-tailed spider in New Zealand

Plants & Fungi

Rata flowerNew Zealand Fungal Foray
Annual meeting, where fungi enthusiasts get together to look at and collect different fungi. Lake Waikaremoana (2001) and Haast (2002).

New Zealand Pollination Project
The New Zealand Pollination Project uses research to investigate the interactions between pollinators and plants, leading to a better ecological understanding of pollination that can be used in the management of crop, pasture and native plants and their pollinators.

Weeds in New Zealand
A website to encourage teachers to use weeds as a learning context in their teaching, to encourage students to learn how weeds impact on New Zealand's unique environment. Includes resources and learning activities.

For kids

Adélie penguins BioBlitz Insects & spiders of NZ New Zealand Fungal Foray Satellite images of NZ Stowaways Teacher resources Weeds in NZ What is this bug?

For teachers

Weeds in NZ