Soils and Landscapes


Confluence of Mangaoporo and Waiapu Rivers, 19 km from the coast..
Confluence of Mangaoporo and Waiapu Rivers, 19 km from the coast.

Soils, landscapes and natural resources (such as water) underpin natural and managed ecosystems. They provide ecosystem and productive services on which we rely for agriculture and forestry and act as a platform for communities, infrastructure, and the national identity on which our culture and tourist trade is based. Current land uses, intensification, the changing geographic pattern of our land uses, as well as climate change and variability, are putting increasing pressures on our soils, landscapes, and natural resources threatening their ability to sustain the critical functions on which we depend.

The Soil and Landscapes team comprises of more than 40 staff, at five sites across New Zealand. We lead research on understanding the complex inter-relationships that control the response of soils and landscapes to climatic and human-induced pressures, evaluating current risk, and offering sustainable land use and natural resource allocation options. Our value is in providing opportunities for the future.

Research themes

Research collaborations

Sustainable Land Use Research Initiative (SLURI) - a national centre for maintaining and managing our soils. SLURI carries out research on the sustainable management of land, and works to develop new tools for regulators and land managers.

Tools & Services

Science leader

Alison CollinsAlison Collins EmailSend email to Alison Collins

Landcare Research
Private Bag 11052
Manawatu Mail Centre
Palmerston North 4442

Phone: 06 353 4800
DDI: 06 353 4809
Mobile: 027 447 3001
Fax: 06 353 4801

Research areas

Erosion and sediment processes Hydrology and soil physics Soil biological and chemical interactions Strategic land–use & pedology

Programmes & OBIs

Environmental protection of soils of the Ross Sea region Integrated Catchment Management Predicting land to ocean response to global change Soil services for sustainable land use Spatial Information


Team members


New Professor for Landcare Research Environmental and Sustainability projects get technological boost

Databases & collections

Soils portal


Soil Horizons Newsletter

Media releases

Landcare Research Annual Report Erosion modelling presents stark findings Early planting key to solving gully problem Moa research takes big step forward Lucky lake a time–travel treasure trove Eagle eye on erosion will help reduce flood risk

Past Events

Workshop: Precision Agriculture Tools for Sustainable Soil & Land Management Workshop: ICM Farmer field day Workshop: SPINFO (SPatial INFOrmation) Workshops Conference: NZ Association of Resource Management conference, and Motueka ICM AGM.