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Urban Forestry Manual

The Urban Forestry Manual is being developed by the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, the Southern Research Station, and the Southern Group of State Foresters as an educational tool for State forestry agency employees and others who work with communities on urban forestry issues.

It can be used for self-guided learning, finding specific information on a topic and developing workshops and presentations. There will be 16 units (chapters) in the Manual when completed. Currently 10 units are available and units will be added as they become available.

Urban Forestry Manual (Sept2006)
A compilation of the 12 individiual chapters of the Urban Forestry Manual that have been completed as of September 2006. (5+mbytes)
Urban Forestry Manual (a) - Using This Manual
The Urban Forestry Manual provides the scientific, technical, and practical information needed to work with communities on urban forestry. There are 16 chapters (units) that address specific topics in the practice of urban forestry. These units have been developed as a series, each building upon the information in previous ones. The units may also be used individually to gain information about a specific topic.
Urban Forestry Manual (b) - Using Each Unit
This document explains the general layout of each of the units (chapters) of the Urban Forestry Manual.
Urban Forestry Manual (c) - Benefits and Costs of the Urban Forest
Urban forests are all the trees and other vegetation that grow in places where people live, work and play, from small communities in rural areas to large metropolitan cities. This includes trees on public and private land, along streets, in residential areas, parks and commercial developments, and in other locations within a community. They may be planted by design or grow by accident (Miller 1988).
Urban Forestry Manual (d) - The Role of the State Forestry Agency in Urban Forestry
The State forestry agency offers many resources and opportunities for working with communities. Population growth, urbanization, and changes in land use underscore the need for communities to manage their urban forest. As an employee of the State forestry agency, you are in a unique position to provide information and assistance to communities in your State.
Urban Forestry Manual (f) - Dendrology
Dendrology is an introduction to identifying and understanding trees in the urban environment.
Urban Forestry Manual (g) - Urban Soils
Soil conditions greatly influence the growth and vigor of trees. Soil provides trees with water, oxygen, nutrients, and support for the root system. Roots need a healthy soil environment to grow in, and strong root development directly influences the growth of the above-ground parts of the tree.
Urban Forestry Manual (h) - Site and Tree Selection
Guidelines for selecting the right planting site and tree are the focus of this unit. First, the reasons for planting a tree are discussed. Second, important factors to consider when selecting a planting site and some common types of urban planting sites are covered. Third, information is provided that will help in selecting the right tree for the site, which includes factors to consider when selecting a species and tree stock.
Urban Forestry Manual (i) - Tree Planting
This unit provides guidelines for planting a tree and caring for it afterwards.
Urban Forestry Manual (j) - Tree Maintenance
Proper care is essential for maintaining and improving the health of existing trees and planning for future growth in our urban forests. Unfortunately, when we plant trees we often think the job is finished, when it has really just started. When trees are planted, it is important to consider ongoing maintenance – what needs to be done and who is responsible. This unit provides an introduction to tree maintenance.
Urban Forestry Manual (l) - Trees and Construction
Land development and construction are having a major impact on the urban forest. Key to minimizing this impact is to work with developers, local government, and citizens to plan for tree protection, maintenance, and replacement during these activities.
Urban Forestry Manual (n) - Urban Wildlife
As areas in this region become increasingly urbanized, land that wildlife once had to itself must now be shared with people. So, it is important to understand the relationship between the urban environment and wildlife so that you can offer recommendations to homeowners, planners, developers, and others on general wildlife issues.
Urban Forestry Manual (q) - Urban Forestry and Public Policy
This unit is an introduction to understanding public policy and how it relates to urban forestry.
Urban Forest Management
UF Manual, Urban forest management

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