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The University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative (UTBI) is a state sponsored plan to decrease our dependency on foreign oil while simultaneously increasing rural economic development and domestic energy production within Tennessee.

The UTBI proposes to jump-start a new bioenergy industry in the state by building and operating a pilot scale cellulosic ethanol biorefinery in East Tennessee. The principal product of the refinery will be Grassoline, ethanol fuel that is derived from plant material such as switchgrass, wood chips and other forest and agricultural biomass.

To learn more about the project, please utilize the links to the left of your screen or the links below.

Recent News

10/14/08 - The University of Tennessee, Genera Energy, and Dupont-Danisco break ground on new cellulosic ethanol pilot facility in Vonore, TN

7/23/08 - DuPont Danisco and University of Tennessee Partner to Build Innovative Cellulosic Ethanol Pilot Facility

UT Extension Publications

Biofuels '101' (SP700-A)
Ethanol: A Primer (SP700-B)
Biodiesel: A Primer (SP700-C)
Growing and Harvesting Switchgrass for Ethanol Production in Tennessee (SP701-A)
Using Switchgrass for Forage (SP701-B)
Adjusting and Calibrating a Drill for Planting Switchgrass for Biofuels (SP701-C)
Woody Biofuels: Past, Present and Future (SP702-A)
Biomass Harvesting and Forest Stewardship: A Healthy Balance (SP702-B)
Short Rotation Woody Crops for Biofuels (SP702-C)
Potential Impacts on Wildlife of Switchgrass Grown for Biofuels (SP704-A)

News and Press CoverageBiofuels Initiative Logo

Click here for recent press coverage, including newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.