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Farming For the Future

College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Spring 2008 Seminar Series

Wednesdays, 4pm – 6pm
Cole Hall, Room 219 UNH Durham Campus

Meet the speakers over light refreshments at 3:30 before the seminars.

Missed a seminar? Click on the video link after the seminar's title to watch a streaming video (WMV format) of the seminar.

February 13

Organic Standards for Animal Health and Welfare? Act Now Before It’s Too Late (video)
Kathleen Merrigan, PhD; Tufts University

February 27

Think Like A Cow - Understanding Grazing Behavior (video)
Kathy Soder, PhD; University Park, PA

March 12

Pasture Management in an Organic Dairy System (video)
Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine

March 26

Organic Agroecosystem Management for Sustainability: a Below Ground Perspective. (video)
Johan Six, PhD; University of California at Davis

April 2

Organic Dairy Farming: Veterinary Challenges and Opportunities (video)
Hue Karreman, DVM; Penn Dutch Cow Care and Affiliate Assistant Professor, UNH

April 16

Holistic Heard Health From the Ground Up (video)
Paul Detloff, DVM; Staff Veterinarian, Organic Valley

April 30

Sustainability and Profitability of Organic Dairy Farming (video)
Francis Thicke, PhD; Radiance Dairy, Iowa
Ed Maltby, Executive Director; Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance

May 7

What Do Studies Comparing Organic and Conventional Farming Tell Us? (video)
John Reganold, PhD; Washington State University

This Series is supported by the Class of ’54 Academic Enrichment fund, and the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire.