Sustainability: Landcare Research indicator list


Indicator Location
Directorships & board memberships About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks
Economic contribution Financial summary (Report 2008)
Our economic impacts
Editorial positions with periodicals About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks
Honorary university lectureship About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks
Number of formal advisory positions About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks
PGS&T subcontracting Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Revenue & expenditure
Positions in professional societies About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks
Staff lecturing (paid) at NZ universities About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our people
Partnerships and networks


Indicator Location
Age of employees Good employer
Average base salary Good employer
Average length of service Good employer
Awards, prizes and external grants to staff Celebrating success (Report 2008)
Impact & integrity of our research
Knowledge management
Citations and high profile publications Impact & integrity of our research
Collective employment agreement  
Countries that our employees come from  
Departing staff Good employer
Employee Assistance programme (EAP) Good employer
Social responsibility
Investment in Postdoctoral researchers Capability & new ideas
Knowledge management
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Investment in sabbatical fellowships Capability & new ideas
Knowledge management
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Investment in training Good employer
Knowledge management
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Landcare Research staff in University programmes About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Mainstream programme Good employer
Partnerships and networks
Social responsibility
Market relativities Good employer
Merit salary increases & performance bonuses Good employer
NZ University staff & students About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Parental retentions Good employer
Pension schemes Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Social responsibility
Percentage of staff on health & safety committees Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Recruitment Good employer
Sick leave Good employer
University student supervision About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Wellness & financial security benefits Good employer
Workforce qualifications Good employer


Indicator Location
Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) approvals Our environmental performance
Animals in research (field) Biodiversity
Our environmental performance
Use of animals
Animals used in research projects Biodiversity
Our environmental performance
Use of animals
Energy use Energy
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
ERMA applications and approvals Biodiversity
Our environmental performance
Use of genetically modified organisms
Materials use & recycling Computers & mobile phones
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Other consumables
Our environmental performance
Paper use & recycling
Supply chain
Potable water usage Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
Water & wastewater
Use of videoconference facilities Our environmental performance
Waste Audits Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
Solid waste


Sustainabilty: what we do