Non-Native and Invasive Pests

There are many non-native, invasive pests that threaten British Columbia's economy, including the agriculture and forest industries, and the environment. Prevention, early detection, control or eradication of these pests is key to preventing their establishment in BC. Commercial producers and home gardeners alike should be vigilant to help keep BC free of these potentially damaging pests. To help in this effort, report suspected finds to your nearest BCMAL office, or a regional office of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

The following links provide more information on serious pests that have either not been detected in BC (e.g. Plum Pox Virus), or are present but not widely distributed or under official control programs (e.g. gypsy moth). Also refer to the factsheets Invasive Alien Species - No Rest from New Pests and Invasives - Prevention and Early Detection for more information on the threat of non-native pests, and the factsheet Biosecurity Guidelines for information on protecting farms from introduction and spread of plant pests and diseases.


Plum Pox Virus
Plum Pox Virus
Little Cherry Virus
Little Cherry Virus
filbert blight
Eastern Filbert Blight

Blueberry Scorch
Chrysanthemum white rust
Chrysanthemum White Rust
Dutch Elm Disease
Dutch Elm Disease
phytophthora ramorum
Sudden Oak Death
oak wilt
Oak Wilt
bacterial ring rot
Bacterial Ring Rot
golden nematode
Golden Nematode
Ralstonia solanacearum
Phytophthora capsici on pumpkin
Phytophthora capsici blight

Grapevine phytoplasmas

Tomato Chlorotic Dwarf Viroid

Insects and other Pests

gypsy moth
Gypsy Moth
Oriental Fruit Moth
Oriental Fruit Moth
Apple Maggot
Apple Maggot
plum curculio
Plum Curculio
blueberry maggot
Blueberry Maggot
balsam woolly adelgid
Balsam Woolly Adelgid
Japanese cedar long-horned beetle
Japanese Cedar Longhorn Beetle
Japanese beetle
Japanese Beetle
pine shoot beetle
Pine Shoot Beetle
Asian long-horned beetle
Asian Long-horned Beetle
cereal leaf beetle
Cereal Leaf Beetle
daylily midge
Daylily Midge
European chafer
European Chafer
European brown garden snail
European Brown Garden Snail
Emerald ash borer
Emerald Ash Borer

Apple Clearwing Moth


yellow starthistle
Yellow Starthistle
carpet burweed
Carpet Burweed
Noxious Weeds
Invasive Plant Alert
Weed Alerts
Weeds BC Web Site

For a complete list of pests regulated by British Columbia, please see the Legislation Administered by the Plant Health Unit Web page.

For a complete list of pests regulated by Canada, please see the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Web site.

The British Columbia Plant Protection Advisory Council provides a forum to address plant health and plant quarantine issues of concern to British Columbia.

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