Pest control

Stoat kits

Pest control research focuses on providing improved pest management through new and improved management strategies, tools and techniques – ranging from biological control to traps and toxins. The key pest targets are possums, rodents, stoats, ferrets and invertebrates (wasps, ants). Staff have expertise in wildlife pest ecology, impact assessment, trap design and testing, animal welfare, toxicology, bait development, immunology, virology, reproductive biology, modelling, and decision support systems.


Tools, products and services

Pest control

Biocontrol and Ecology of Weeds Biological control of possums Invasive invertebrates New and improved baits, toxins, traps and delivery systems Pest Control Technologies Supporting collaborative approaches


Kararehe Kino/ Vertebrate Pest Research Newsletter Possum information sheets and manuals Stowaways Newsletter What´s New in Biological Control of Weeds? Wise up to Weeds!