Cover - quardle, oodle, ardleQuardle oodle ardle - magpie newsletter

A newsletter describing a nationally co-ordinated trial to decide whether magpies have a serious impact on other birds. Everybody knows that magpies harrass and sometimes kill other birds, but does that behaviour significantly affect other bird populations? Nine Regional Councils around New Zealand have pooled their resources to find out.
Note: Jan 2004 is the final issue of this newsletter.

For more information, please contact your Regional Council or:

John InnesJohn Innes EmailSend email to John Innes

Landcare Research
Private Bag 3127
Hamilton 3240

Phone: 07 859 3700
DDI: 07 859 3714
Fax: 07 859 3701

Corinne WattsCorinne Watts EmailSend email to Corinne Watts

Landcare Research
Private Bag 3127
Hamilton 3240

Phone: 07 859 3700
DDI: 07 859 3706
Fax: 07 859 3701


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