Sustainability: CCMAU indicator list

Strategic relationships with customers & stakeholders

Indicator Location
Client staff on Landcare Research advisory groups About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Collaborative research – stakeholders in our research programmes About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Invited participation in stakeholder meetings or workshops About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Landcare Research staff invited on to stakeholder advisory groups About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
MoUs Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Partnerships with Māori About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Revenue from public and private sector Our economic impacts
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Staff co–locations About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Staff secondments About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)

Research application

Indicator Location
Commissioned reports to users Commercialisation
Impact & integrity of our research
Knowledge management
Our economic impacts
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Joint ventures or formal associations About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Our economic impacts
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Keynote and plenary presentations About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Knowledge management
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Licensing arrangements entered into About our stakeholders
Impact & integrity of our research
Our economic impacts
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
New or improved products, processes and services Commercialisation
Impact & integrity of our research
Our economic impacts
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Patents granted Commercialisation
Impact & integrity of our research
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Peer–reviewed articles Impact & integrity of our research
Knowledge management
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Presentations About our stakeholders
Partnerships and networks
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Publications on technical information and research results Impact & integrity of our research
Knowledge management
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Significant new publications
Use of nationally significant databases and collections Backbone databases & collections
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Significant new publications

Existing trend & performance indicators

Indicator Location
Accidents / Incidents resulting in lost time Good employer
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Imputed C02 Emissions & offsets
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Lost–time injuries Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Native animals killed through by–catch Biodiversity
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Use of animals
Offsetting C02 emissions Emissions & offsets
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Staff in science teams, support & general support Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Staff turnover Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Travel Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)

Financial preformance indicators

Indicator Location
Financial targets Financial summary (Report 2008)
Our economic impacts
Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)
Revenue & expenditure


Sustainabilty: what we do