Roadside swale Waste management

Waste and the way in which we dispose of it takes many forms … for example, solid waste to landfill, industrial effluents into waterways, biosolids onto land, and acid leachates from mine tailings draining into groundwater. Traditional methods, with associated environmental risks or limitations, are not sustainable in the long–term.

Resource efficiency and waste minimisation initiatives have many benefits including reductions in: greenhouse gas emissions, soil and water contaminants entering the environment, operational and compliance costs. Reduction of waste and contaminants at source is a much cheaper option than remediation activity later.

Services range from ‘tools’ (EnviroSmart and Enviro–Mark NZ) for business and industry, acid mine–drainage management, remediation trenches to filter effluent pond and road runoff, and biological indicators to monitor the impacts of contaminants. Related research also addresses remediation of contaminated sites.

Flora & fauna Greenhouse gases & climate change International development Laboratories & diagnostics Making your business sustainable Maps & satellites Pests - plant & animal Publications Science & society Soils & land use Urban design Waste management