Los Alamos National Laboratory

About LANL

About Our Capabilities, Facilities, and Staff

"Los Alamos National Laboratory plays an indispensable role in building America as a science and technology powerhouse, and our staff are an incredible resource to the nation and the world." Michael Anastasio, Dir.

Solving Complex R&D Problems with Special Blend of Staff, Capabilities and Facilities

Now in its seventh decade, LANL remains among a very few laboratories that can bring great breadth of fundamental and discovery science, technology, and engineering rapidly together to create tangible solutions for national security needs.

Our staff, working with partners throughout science and industry, must be able to deliver today's solutions while maintaining the depth of capabilities to deliver the next generation of discoveries.

Los Alamos has demonstrated a cycle of innovation where we have developed world-leading capabilities and facilities in response to urgent, unique missions. We also spin out new discoveries that lead to emerging missions.

Being able to integrate and apply our capabilities rapidly to new challenges will be a key advantage in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Our Science, Technology and Engineering Priorities

Science that Matters

  • Information science and technology enabling integrative and predictive science
  • Experimental science focused on materials for the future
  • Fundamental forensic science for nuclear, biological, and chemical threats

How We Work

  • Collaborate, partner and team to make decisive contributions to our sponsors
  • Outstanding operational excellence for safety, security, and efficient pursuit of ST&E for our missions

Transform Our Scientific Campus

  • Campus for 2020 (consistent with complex transformation)
  • Modern science facilities: LANSCE refurbishment, CMR replacement, Science Complex
  • Signature facilities for experimental science (MaRIE) and computational science (Roadrunner)


More About This Science

Mapping and Understanding an Exceptionally Efficient Protein Secretion System

Fungus into Fuel

Researchers discover greener, cheaper alternative to gasoline


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Cleaner, cheaper biofuels are being created with help from a hungry fungus. T. reesei eats fibers and produces a simple sugar, which scientists ferment to produce ethanol.


A spidery fungus with a voracious appetite for canvas could hold the key to production of biofuels, efficiently bringing green energy to the public.

Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers and the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (JGI) announced that the genetic sequence of the fungus Trichoderma reesei has uncovered important clues about how the organism breaks down plant fibers into simple sugars. The finding could unlock possibilities for industrial processes that can more efficiently and cost effectively convert corn, switchgrass, and even cellulose-based municipal waste into ethanol. Ethanol from waste products is a carbon-neutral alternative to gasoline.

The fungus T. reesei rose to dubious fame during World War II when military leaders discovered it was responsible for rapid deterioration of clothing and tents in the South Pacific. T. reesei was later identified as a source of industrial enzymes and a role model for the conversion of cellulose and hemicellulose-plant fibers-into simple sugars.

The organism uses enzymes it creates to break down human-indigestible fibers of plants into the simplest form of sugar, known as a monosaccharide. The fungus then digests the sugars as food.

Researchers decoded the genetic sequence of T. reesei in an attempt to discover why the deep green fungus was so darned good at digesting plant cells. The sequence results were somewhat surprising. Contrary to what one might predict about the gene content of a fungus that can eat holes in tents, T. reesei had fewer genes dedicated to the production of cellulose-eating enzymes than its counterparts.

"We were aware of T. reesei's reputation as producer of massive quantities of degrading enzymes, however we were surprised by how few enzyme types it produces, which suggested to us that its protein secretion system is exceptionally efficient," said Los Alamos bioscientist Diego Martinez (also at the University of New Mexico), the study's lead author. The researchers believe that T. reesei's genome includes "clusters" of enzyme-producing genes, a strategy that may account for the organism's efficiency at breaking down cellulose.

On an industrial scale, T. reesei could be employed to secrete enzymes that can be purified and added into an aqueous mixture of cellulose pulp and other materials to produce sugar. The sugar can then be fermented by yeast to produce ethanol.

"The sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei genome is a major step towards using renewable feedstocks for the production of fuels and chemicals," said Joel Cherry, director of research activities in second-generation biofuels for Novozymes, a collaborating institution in the study. "The information contained in its genome will allow us to better understand how this organism degrades cellulose so efficiently and to understand how it produces the required enzymes so prodigiously. Using this information, it may be possible to improve both of these properties, decreasing the cost of converting cellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals."

Researchers published a paper about this research in the esteemed journal Nature Biotechnology in May of 2008. Authors included LANL JGI researchers Thomas Brettin, David Bruce, Chris Detter, Cheryl Kuske, Olga Chertkov, Melissa Jackson, Cliff Han, Monica Misra, Nina Thayer, Ravi Barbote, and Gary Xie. Authors from the JGI-PGF (Production Genomics Facility) in Walnut Creek, California were Jarrod Chapman, Igor Grigoriev, Isaac Ho, Susan Lucas, Nicolas Putnam, Paul Richardson, Daniel Rokhsar, Eddy Rubin, Asaf Salamov and Astrid Terry; and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Scott Baker and Jon Magnuson.

Other collaborating institutions include the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Products Laboratory, Oregon State University, University of New Mexico, Vienna University of Technology, Catholic University of Chile, Finland's VTT Technical Research Center, and Universités d'Aix-Marseille I and II.


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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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