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CA Fire Alliance

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The Fire Safe Council provides resources for establishing and maintaining local Fire Safe Councils, such as the FSC Handbook, nonprofit and funding information.

Mission: Mobilizing Californians to protect their homes, communities and environments from wildfire.

Vision: Together, people and communities have eliminated the impact of catastrophic wildfires on all they hold dear.

Since its formation in April 1993, the Council has united its diverse membership to speak with one voice about fire safety. The Council has distributed fire prevention education materials to industry leaders and their constituents, evaluated legislation pertaining to fire safety and empowered grassroots organizations to spearhead fire safety programs.

Who Comprises The Fire Safe Council?
The 50 public and private organizations listed here are members of the Fire Safe Council. Links to some of the organizations' web sites are provided. Just click on the organization to visit their web site.

  • Allstate Insurance
  • American Red Cross
  • American Society of Landscape Architects
  • Association of Contract Counties
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • California Air Resources Board
  • California Association of Nurserymen
  • California Association of Realtors®
  • California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
  • California Board of Forestry
  • California Building Industry Association
  • California Cattlemen's Association
  • California Department of Conservation
  • California State Association of Counties
  • California Department of Fish and Game
  • California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
  • California Department of Insurance
  • Firefighters Association
  • California Department of Parks and Recreation
  • California Fair Plan Association
  • California Farm Bureau Federation
  • California Fire Chiefs Association
  • California Forest Products Commission
  • California Integrated Waste Management Board
  • California Landscape Contractors Association
  • California Sod Producers
  • California State Association of Counties
  • California State Automobile Association
  • California State Fire Marshal's Office
  • California State Firefighters Association
  • California Urban Forests Council
  • Chubb Insurance
  • Committee for Firesafe Dwellings
  • Council for a Green Environment
  • Farmer's Insurance Group of Companies
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Fire Districts Association of California
  • Firewise: What you can do to protect your home
  • Fireman's Fund Insurance
  • Governor's Office of Emergency Services
  • Insurance Information Network of California
  • Insurance Services Office, Inc.
  • League of California Cities Fire Chiefs
  • Los Padres Forest Association
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • National Audubon Society
  • National Fire Protection Association
  • National Park Service
  • Orange County Fire Authority
  • Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Personal Insurance Federation
  • Planning and Conservation League
  • Roundup
  • Safeco Insurance
  • San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Society of American Foresters
  • South Coast Air Quality Management District
  • Southern California Edison
  • State Farm Insurance Companies
  • Twentieth Century Insurance
  • USAA Property and Casualty Insurance
  • U.S.D.A. Forest Service