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Suna Bozkurt

Systems Analyst

Suna BozkurtSuna Bozkurt in her office

Mailing Address:

Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-2475

Phone & Fax:

(409) 845-2110 & (409) 845-6305



Ph.D., Computer Science, 1981,   Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
M. S., &  B. S., Mathematics, 1973,  Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


Professional Appointments and Experience Areas of Strength
Professional Interests and Favorites Personal Interests and Favorites
About AESRG Web Site


Professional Appointments and Experience

Systems Analyst
Department of Entomology
TAMU, Mar 90 - Present
  • Preparing, publishing and maintaining AESRG Web Site.
  • Writing User Interface routines for AESRG simulation programs and Expert System Applications.
  • Developing Agricultural Simulation Models.
  • Administering AESRG Sun workstations and maintaining user accounts.
  • Maintaining, troubleshooting and replacing hardware and software on AESRG computers.
  • Preparing input data using GIS(Geographic Information Systems)/ArcInfo software on Sun Workstations for geo-referenced simulation programs.
  • Preparing, revising or updating the Programmer's Manual, User's Manual or Technical Documentation of AESRG Software.
  • Preparing Context Sensitive Help and Installation Programs for AESRG Software.
Computer Programmer
Department of Entomology
TAMU, Mar 89 - Mar 90
  • Completed the following components of COTFLEX (Cotton Farm Level Expert System) Project: 1. Pest Management Advisor  2. Harvest Aids Advisor   3. Cultivar Selection Advisor.
  • Modified and adapted a Peanut Crop and Insect model.
Visiting Scientist
(on sabbatical leave)
Food Protein R&D Center
TAMU, Mar 87 - Mar 89
  • Completed, debugged and updated the ‘Engineering and Economic Model for an Operating Cottonseed Oil Mill; rewrote the simulation program in a user-friendly mode.
  • Converted the program from FORTRAN to Lotus/Symphony and prepared the User’s Manual.
  • Developed database management and spreadsheet programs to help scientists and to automate daily office work.
Assistant Professor
(100% Teaching)
College of Agriculture
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Jul 83 - Sep 88
  • Taught courses on Calculus, Linear Algebra, Advance Calculus, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations.
  • Played a role as a faculty and student consultant to adapt numerical analysis methods for biological data relevant to economic crop and pest management. Helped developing techniques and models for data analysis, policy-making, and planning.
Assistant Professor
(100% Teaching)
College of Engineering
Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
Sep 81 - Jul 83
Taught courses on Advance Calculus, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations.
Visiting Research Associate
Institut Fur Termische Verfahrenstechnik
Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany
Jul 76 - Sep 77
Actively participated in a team project on, "Steady-State Chemical Process Simulation" and developed a new technique/program to overcome the computation difficulties of recycles encountered in chemical processes.
Teaching Assistant
College of Engineering
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Mar 74 - Sep 81
Worked as teaching assistant while pursuing the Ph.D. studies.

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Areas of Strength


Computer Aided Simulations of Agricultural, Economic and Engineering Models, Object Oriented Programming, Database Management Programs, Expert Systems and Developing User Interfaces.

Programming Languages C/C++, Visual C++, Basic, Visual Basic, FORTRAN, Arity/Prolog, Arity/Expert, Java, HTML,  ArcInfo(Unix platform).
Other Commercial Software MS Office, MS Front Page and Several Graphics and Image Processing Programs.


Professional Interests and Favorites

Developing very user-friendly software for the people who are not computer literate but need computers to optimize their work or business.
Developing Educational Mathematics Software which would ease the math-fear of students and help them actually like Math.
Learning new programming languages and new software.
Favorite Work Environment Team Work Environment where ideas, thoughts, knowledge and experience are shared.
Favorite Programming Languages Visual C++, Visual Basic.
Favorite Steps of Software Development Designing and writing the User Interface.
Favorite System and OS PC (IBM Compatible) and MS Windows NT Workstation.

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Personal Interests and Favorites

Traveling with my family, learning new skills, gardening, doing craft-work with my daughter, walking, swimming, reading, listening classical and instrumental music, sewing, chatting with friends and teaching what I know in Math.

Favorite Places Coasts of my home country TURKIYE,   Heidelberg, Germany and San Francisco, California.
Favorite School Hacettepe University,  Ankara, Turkey.
Favorite subject to learn and teach Differential Equations.



About Our Web Site

AESRG Server System

Dell Poweredge Pentium II with 512K Cache, 300 MHz Proc., 96 MB RAM, 9GB SCSI HD.

Server OS MS Windows NT Server 4.0.
Software used to develop the site Microsoft Front Page 98.
Images Most of them are taken by our two group members (Mark Mathews & James C. Medley) with an Olympus Digital Vision camera.  Others are scanned from slides or pictures using Howtek Scanmaster II & 3.
Software used for image processing Paint Shop Pro 4.4.
Browsers used to test our site MS Internet Explorer 4.0,  and Netscape Navigator 4.0
LadyBug.jpg (1078 bytes)Graphics Most of them are created by me, webmistress, very few of them are downloaded from
Smiley.gif (1059 bytes) Special Thanks to Dr. John A. Jackman and Dr. R. Daniel Lineberger for being very patient and sharing their knowledge and experience with me and all Agroecosystem Research Group Members for providing endless support and information to build this site.


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This page was last updated on   October 02, 1998.