Image – Bruce Thomas
Image – Bruce Thomas

Science for sustainability

Landcare Research has a key role in helping New Zealand address its sustainability challenges as outlined in our revised science strategy: sustaining and restoring biodiversity, sustaining our land environments, and sustainable business and living. The strategy highlights, as cross-cutting themes, a number of issues that affect our ability to deliver outcomes.

However, ‘science for sustainability’ is more than just the type of research that we do. It is also about how we sustain our research capabilities and impact. In these pages, we have endeavoured to cover some of the sustainability issues that are particularly material for a scientific research organisation.

Go to Our science outcome areasOur science outcome areas

Go to Alignment to national prioritiesAlignment to national priorities

Go to Developing our scienceDeveloping our science

Go to CommercialisationCommercialisation

Go to Impact & integrity of our researchImpact & integrity of our research

Go to Partnerships and networksPartnerships and networks


Last updated: 10/10/2008


Sustainabilty: what we do

GRI indicators

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