Nutshell on the web?
by Bill Sachs, Nutshell Editor

With encouragement from our Board of Directors and the assistance of our printer, yours truly has been experimenting with the creation of a downloadable version of The Nutshell that can be read using Adobe's Acrobat Reader, with the ultimate goal of posting new issues of The Nutshell on a members-only web page on our website.

Users of the web-delivery service have access to new issues of The Nutshell three or more weeks before printed copies can be delivered. However, pictures or images will be rendered with somewhat lower resolution in the web edition in order to keep the file size of these issues within reasonable bounds.

A downloadable version of the March 2004 Nutshell has been posted at Take it for a test drive and let me know whether you would be interested in web delivery of your Nutshell. Opinions pro and con are invited. Please email your response to, or mail your comments to Bill Sachs, Nutshell Editor, 3 Morgan Place, Princeton, NJ 08540.

We have gotten a positive response and the current Nutshell is now available on-line to NNGA members. If you would like to access the current Nutshell on-line you should contact for a password and the address of the current issue.

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Nutshell on the Web.
Last updated: 4/5/06
Webmaster: Marsha Henkin at