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Rare Plants of Connecticut

Rare species in Connecticut are classified by the state, in order of increasing rarity, as species of special concern (SC), threatened (T), or endangered (E). (Definitions of these terms.) A complete list of Connecticut's rare plants is available from the Department of Environmental Protection.

You can help. Protection of rare plants depends on accurate information about where they grow. If you know of a wild population of one of the state-listed plants, report it to the state's Natural Diversity Database, which keeps track of rare plant locations. In addition, consider joining the Plant Conservation Volunteers, a group that monitors and protects rare plants in New England.

We also stress the importance of simply going out and searching new sites, and of identifying unfamiliar plants. If we all keep our eyes open, we will discover more.

Rare plant photos and information:
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Common names
adder's-mouth, green (E)
adder's-mouth, white (E)
adder's-tongue, northern (T)
agueweed (E)
alexanders, heart-leaved (E)
anemone, Canada (E)
angelica, seaside (E)
arethusa (SC)
aster, bog (E)
aster, rough-leaved (E)
aster, showy (T)
aster, upland white (E)
bellwort, large-flowered (E)
bladderwort, fibrous (SC)
bladderwort, resupinate (E)
bladderwort, striped (SC)
blazing-star, New England (SC)
bog rosemary (T)
bur-head (E)
buttercup, celery-leaved (SC)
campion, starry (SC)
chaffseed (SC)
cinquefoil, three-toothed (E)
cliffbrake, slender (E)
cliffbrake, smooth (E)
climbing fern (SC)
coralroot, early (T)
corydalis, yellow (T)
cranberry, mountain (SC)
crowfoot, cursed (SC)
crowfoot, seaside (E)
cynthia, two-flowered (SC)
dew-drop (E)
dragon's mouth (SC)
drumheads (SC)
dwarf dandelion, orange (SC)
false heather (SC)
false mermaid (E)
false pennyroyal (E)
false Solomon's-seal, three-leaved (T)
false violet (E)
featherfoil (SC)
flax, grooved yellow (SC)
fluxweed (E)
gentian, stiff (E)
gerardia, sand-plain (E)
giant hyssop, yellow (SC)
glade fern, narrow-leaved (E)
globeflower, American (T)
golden club (SC)
golden-aster, sickle-leaf (E)
golden-heather (E)
goldenrod, hard-leaved (E)
goldenrod, stiff (E)
goldenrod, upland white (E)
goldenseal (E)
Goldie's fern (SC)
green violet (SC)
groundsel, balsam (E)
Hartford fern (SC)
hedge-nettle, hyssop (E)
houstonia, long-leaved (E)
huckleberry, dwarf (T)
hudsonia, woolly (SC)
hyssop, purple giant (E)
hyssop, yellow giant (SC)
Indian paintbrush (E)
Labrador tea (T)
ladies'-tresses, little (SC)
lady's-slipper, ram's-head (SC)
lady's-slipper, showy (E)
lady's-slipper, yellow (SC)
leafcup, small-flowered (E)
leafcup, whiteflower (E)
lingonberry (SC)
lipfern, hairy (E)
lizard's-tail (E)
loosestrife, winged (E)
lousewort, swamp (T)
lovage, Scotch (E)
lovage, sea (E)
milkweed, green (E)
milkweed, purple (SC)
milkwort, cross-leaved (SC)
milkwort, marsh (SC)
milkwort, Nuttall's (E)
miterwort, naked (SC)
monkey flower, winged (SC)
mountain-mint, basil (E)
mudwort (SC)
orchid, Hooker's (SC)
orchid, leafy white (SC)
orchid, pale green (SC)
orchid, round-leaved (SC)
orchid, southern rein (SC)
orchid, three-birds (SC)
orchid, tubercled (SC)
orchid, white bog (SC)
orchid, white fringed (E)
orchid, yellow fringed (T)
painted cup (E)
pimpernel, yellow (E)
pink, salt-marsh (E)
pogonia, nodding (SC)
prickly-pear (SC)
primrose-willow, globe-fruited (E)
pyrola, one-flowered (E)
pyrola, one-sided (SC)
ragwort, balsam (E)
redroot (E)
robin-run-away (E)
rose, New England (SC)
rose, shining (SC)
rosemary, bog (T)
rotala, lowland (E)
salt-marsh pink (E)
sandwort, seabeach (SC)
sea-pink (E)
seedbox, globe-fruited (E)
senna, American (SC)
senna, wild (SC)
skullcap, hyssop (E)
skullcap, smaller (E)
snakeroot, Seneca (E)
snakeroot, Virginia (SC)
Solomon's-plume, three-leaved (T)
spearwort, creeping (SC)
spleenwort, mountain (T)
spleenwort, narrow-leaved (E)
squirrel corn (T)
St. Johnswort, creeping (SC)
St. Johnswort, great (SC)
staggerbush (SC)
strawberry, barren (SC)
sundew, thread-leaved (SC)
sundrops, southern (SC)
swamp pink (SC)
thistle, yellow (E)
three-birds (SC)
tick-trefoil, sessile-leaved (SC)
tooth-cup (E)
twayblade, large (E)
twayblade, lily-leaved (E)
twinflower (E)
vervain, narrow-leaved (SC)
violet, Canada (SC)
violet, coast (E)
violet, great-spurred (SC)
violet, green (SC)
violet, pale (SC)
violet, Selkirk's (SC)
violet, striped cream (SC)
wall-rue fern (T)
water-dragon (E)
water-pennywort, umbellate (E)
water-primrose, round-pod (E)
waterleaf, Virginia (SC)
wintergreen, one-flowered (E)
woodfern, mountain (E)
wood-mint, hairy (SC)
wood-sorrel, violet (SC)
yellow-eyed grass, Small's (E)
zizia, meadow (E)

Scientific names
Agalinis acuta (E)
Agastache nepetoides (SC)
Agastache scrophulariifolia (E)
Andromeda glaucophylla (T)
Andromeda polifolia (T)
Anemone canadensis (E)
Angelica lucida (E)
Arenaria peploides (SC)
Arethusa bulbosa (SC)
Aristolochia serpentaria (SC)
Asclepias purpurascens (SC)
Asclepias viridiflora (E)
Asplenium montanum (T)
Asplenium pycnocarpon (E)
Asplenium ruta-muraria (T)
Aster nemoralis (E)
Aster ptarmicoides (E)
Aster radula (E)
Aster spectabilis (T)
Athyrium pycnocarpon (E)
Blephilia hirsuta (SC)
Capnoides flavulum (T)
Cassia hebecarpa (SC)
Castilleja coccinea (E)
Cheilanthes lanosa (E)
Chrysopsis falcata (E)
Cirsium horridulum (E)
Coelopleurum actaeifolium (E)
Coelopleurum lucidum (E)
Corallorhiza trifida (T)
Corydalis flavula (T)
Cryptogramma stelleri (E)
Cypripedium arietinum (SC)
Cypripedium calceolus (SC)
Cypripedium parviflorum (SC)
Cypripedium reginae (E)
Dalibarda repens (E)
Desmodium sessilifolium (SC)
Dicentra canadensis (T)
Diplazium pycnocarpon (E)
Drosera filiformis (SC)
Dryopteris campyloptera (E)
Dryopteris goldiana (SC)
Dryopteris spinulosa var. americana (E)
Echinodorus tenellus (E)
Eurybia radula (E)
Eurybia spectabilis (T)
Floerkea proserpinacoides (E)
Gaylussacia dumosa (T)
Gentiana quinquefolia (E)
Gentianella quinquefolia (E)
Gerardia acuta (E)
Habenaria blephariglottis (E)
Habenaria ciliaris (T)
Habenaria dilatata (SC)
Habenaria flava (SC)
Habenaria hookeri (SC)
Habenaria orbiculata (SC)
Hedyotis longifolia (E)
Honckenya peploides (SC)
Hottonia inflata (SC)
Houstonia longifolia (E)
Hudsonia ericoides (E)
Hudsonia tomentosa (SC)
Hybanthus concolor (SC)
Hydrastis canadensis (E)
Hydrocotyle umbellata (E)
Hydrophyllum virginianum (SC)
Hypericum adpressum (SC)
Hypericum ascyron (SC)
Hypericum pyramidatum (SC)
Isanthus brachiatus (E)
Krigia biflora (SC)
Lachnanthes caroliana (E)
Lachnanthes caroliniana (E)
Lachnanthes tinctoria (E)
Ledum groenlandicum (T)
Liatris borealis (SC)
Liatris scariosa (SC)
Ligusticum scoticum (E)
Limosella australis (SC)
Limosella subulata (SC)
Linnaea borealis (E)
Linum sulcatum (SC)
Liparis liliifolia (E)
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa (E)
Lygodium palmatum (SC)
Lyonia mariana (SC)
Lythrum alatum (E)
Maianthemum trifolium (T)
Malaxis brachypoda (E)
Malaxis monophyllos (E)
Malaxis unifolia (E)
Mimulus alatus (SC)
Mitella nuda (SC)
Moneses uniflora (E)
Oclemena nemoralis (E)
Oenothera fruticosa (SC)
Oligoneuron album (E)
Oligoneuron rigidum (E)
Ophioglossum pusillum (T)
Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum (T)
Opuntia humifusa (SC)
Orontium aquaticum (SC)
Orthilia secunda (SC)
Oxalis violacea (SC)
Packera paupercula (E)
Pedicularis lanceolata (T)
Pellaea glabella (E)
Pityopsis falcata (E)
Platanthera blephariglottis (E)
Platanthera ciliaris (T)
Platanthera dilatata (SC)
Platanthera flava (SC)
Platanthera hookeri (SC)
Platanthera orbiculata (SC)
Polygala cruciata (SC)
Polygala nuttallii (E)
Polygala senega (E)
Polymnia canadensis (E)
Potentilla tridentata (E)
Pycnanthemum clinopodioides (E)
Pyrola secunda (SC)
Ranunculus cymbalaria (E)
Ranunculus flammula (SC)
Ranunculus reptans (SC)
Ranunculus sceleratus (SC)
Rhododendron groenlandicum (T)
Rosa nitida (SC)
Rotala ramosior (E)
Sabatia stellaris (E)
Saururus cernuus (E)
Schwalbea americana (SC)
Scutellaria integrifolia (E)
Scutellaria leonardii (E)
Scutellaria parvula (E)
Senecio balsamitae (E)
Senecio pauperculus (E)
Senna hebecarpa (SC)
Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (E)
Silene stellata (SC)
Smilacina trifolia (T)
Solidago ptarmicoides (E)
Solidago rigida (E)
Spiranthes tuberosa (SC)
Stachys hyssopifolia (E)
Taenidia integerrima (E)
Trichostema brachiatum (E)
Triphora trianthophora (SC)
Trollius laxus (T)
Utricularia fibrosa (SC)
Utricularia resupinata (E)
Utricularia striata (SC)
Uvularia grandiflora (E)
Vaccinium vitis-idaea (SC)
Verbena simplex (SC)
Viola brittoniana (E)
Viola canadensis (SC)
Viola selkirkii (SC)
Viola striata (SC)
Waldsteinia fragarioides (SC)
Xyris smalliana (E)
Zizia aptera (E)

Sources of information on the plant pages.

Sabatia stellaris image © 2002 Eleanor Saulys.
Last updated March 2, 2008.