Built Environments


Open space in the city.
Open space in the city

This team contributes knowledge and understanding of urban systems that supports developers, local authorities and communities to make our cities and towns places we proudly call 'home'. It focuses on investigating approaches to urban design and development that enhance wealth and well-being without degrading the natural environment and depleting the resources on which they depend. Research themes cover urban design, urban futures, stormwater management, urban ecology, urban economics, urban society, toxicology and risk assessment. A large proportion of our work falls within the low-impact urban design programme (LIUDD).

Research themes

Tools & Services

Science leader

Michael KrausseMichael Krausse EmailSend email to Michael Krausse

Landcare Research
Private Bag 92170
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142

Phone: 09 574 4100
DDI: 09 574 4130
Mobile: 027 434 6323
Fax: 09 574 4101

Research areas

Sustainable urban design Toxicology and risk assessment Urban ecology Urban economics Urban futures Urban society Urban stormwater management

Programmes & OBIs

Building capacity for sustainable development Low–impact urban design & development Sustaining & restoring biodiversity


Team members


Publications & presentations


Māori urban housing options Environmental and Sustainability projects get technological boost

Media releases

Landcare Research Annual Report New Zealand ´game´ takes centre stage Reducing carbon costs of building a big step forward