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You Helped Your Neighbors in Need
Food waiting for distribution

Thank you to all state employees who supported the 2009 Governor's State Employees Food Drive. This year's drive raised the equivalent of 4.3 million pounds of food for the Oregon Food Bank Network and will provide more than 86,000 emergency food boxes for hungry Oregonians. Since the food drive began in 1982, it has raised more than 55 millions pounds of food and is the largest food and fund drive benefiting the network. Given the difficult economic situation faced by all Oregonians, state employees should be proud of their continued dedication to helping their neighbors in need.
Do More
Stay Involved
food drive image
The needs of hungry Oregonians last year-round... and so does the hard work of the Oregon Food Bank Network. Volunteers are needed to sort and repack donated food, assist with nutrition education, work in community gardens, and support many other important and innovative programs and events.
Next Year's Drive
Get Involved
It takes an entire network of dedicated and passionate people to plan the food drive each year, and there are many ways you can get involved.

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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