Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation
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Contact Information
Mailing Address: Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation
105 Ballard Extension Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: (541) 737-8629
Fax: (541) 737-1332
Email: AITC@oregonstate.edu

  To help children grow in their knowledge of agriculture, the environment, and natural resources for the benefit of Oregonians today and in the future.

What is Agriculture in the Classroom?
  The purpose of Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) is to help young people gain a better understanding of agriculture, the source of our food and fiber, and its impact on our economy and daily lives. Learning about agriculture and its positive affect on the community helps make today's students well-informed citizens tomorrow.

AITC was designed to provide curriculum, reference materials and teaching aides to K-12 teachers throughout Oregon.

Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is a science based, politically impartial organization, having a proportionate membership of agricultural and educational representatives. The Executive Board directs the activities of the Foundation and approves all material before it becomes available for use.

Why educate students about agriculture?
  Agriculture is part of our daily lives – from the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, and the homes we live in – agriculture is everywhere. With less than 2% of our population involved in production agriculture, many people don’t know the source of their food and fiber. Americans spend less of their total income on food than any country in the world, only 11%. Agriculture also provides medical products, raw materials for fuel, and construction materials. All contribute to a stronger American economy.

Where does agriculture fit in school curriculum?
  Agriculture is not a new subject that needs to be added to the existing school curriculum. Materials are designed to enhance the current subject matter and to help meet state mandated learning standards. Training and resources are available to assist teachers in K-12 in order to help them use agriculture and natural resources for teaching many required subjects.

How can I use AITC in my classroom?
  AITC provides curriculum and reference materials to teachers in K-12 who are interested in using agriculture and natural resources for teaching current subject matter. AITC uses an integrated hands-on learning approach with concepts taught in a single activity extending into several different classroom subject areas.
Who can promote agricultural literacy?
  You can! By participating in the partnership of agriculture and education, and supporting the AITC Foundation.
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