Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Outreach, Education, and Awareness

No matter who you are and what you do, you shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel when you need a resource for invasive plant information. This page is a conglomeration of resources, organized by audience. Find yourself in our list below, and explore the wide world of existing invasive plant information, links, publications, and more...!
Weed Wrench Victory

I want to...

  1. See a list of Cal-IPC's Main Resources
  2. Find general information about invasive plants
  3. Figure out how to identify and control invasive plants
  4. Find infomation on problem plants for landscape professionals, gardeners and nurseries
  5. Get help coordinating and training volunteers
  6. Find invasive plant information for construction and road maintenance agencies and staff
  7. Find invasive plant resources for teachers
  8. See webpages that include outreach materials from other states and national organizations.

Cal-IPC's Main Resources

This list provides quick access to information and ordering for Cal-IPC's most popular resources.

  1. Don't Plant a Pest! These brochures provide alternatives to invasive plants for gardeners, landscapers, and others in the horticultural community. Versions for San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, Central Coast, Central Valley, Lake Tahoe Basin, and Trees of California.
  2. Core Cal-IPC Books:
  3. The California Invasive Plant Inventory Available in full online, this publication categorizes 199 non-native invasive plants that threaten California's wildlands.
  4. Cal-IPC Speakers' Bureau Click here to find out how you can help spread the word about invasive plants in California!