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Smarter detector robots ... and more

January 16, 2009

The latest issue of DOE Pulse is now available. Pulse is an online newsletter about accomplishments at the Department of Energy's national laboratories.

In addition to the highlights, DOE Pulse has articles about Department of Energy lab researchers and about a collaborative effort.

Some of the headlines in this issue are "Fuel cell coating" from the National Energy Technology Laboratory, "Home efficiency testbed" from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Smarter robot detectors" from Idaho National Laboratory, and "Southwest solar network" from the National Renewable Energy Laborarory.

A profile on Marija Raskovic from the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and a feature on a low-friction nanoscale coating collaboration from Ames Laboratory also are in this issue.

James Maxwell

Cutting-edge innovation captures science "Oscar"
Laser-Weave® technology grows extra-strong fibers at astonishing speeds

Prestigious R&D 100 Award goes to radical technology that will change the insides of toasters to exhaust nozzles in rocket engines, says James Maxwell of Applied Electromagnetics. . .

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, highlighting people in the workplace.

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