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Jack and Martha Carter Conservation Grants

Jack & Martha Carter, photo: Lolly Jones

The Native Plant Society of New Mexico awards grants and makes donations to projects and organizations that further the goals of the Society. The goals of the Society are, "to promote the conservation of our native flora and plant habitats and to encourage the appropriate use of native plants in New Mexico." Read the new Jack and Martha Carter Conservation Grants Brochure (pdf format 738k). If you would like to help protect New Mexico's plants, print the brochure donation form on your computer and mail your contribution today!

Types of Projects Considered

The Society will consider funding for any project within New Mexico that contributes to the goals of the Society. For example, previously funded projects have been education, art, landscaping and special plantings, signage, training, research and conservation.

Requests are reviewed and voted on by the Board of Directors. Organizations will be notified as to the acceptance or denial of their proposal. If the proposal is unsuccessful, the Society will provide reasons for the denial.

Grant and Donation

Grants are awarded to individual projects with a goal that can be completed within a stated time period and within a specified budget. For example, request for a grant to pay the cost of a specific workshop or to buy the materials needed for a specific restoration project. The applicant may be an organization or individual.

Donations are given to non-profit organizations to support on-going work that meets the objectives and goals of the Native Plant Society.

Award Amounts and Disbursement

Grants and donations are limited to a maximum of $1000. Grant payments may be given over time or in a lump sum. This is decided on a case-by-case basis. Donations are given as a lump sum.

Grant and Donation Application New

Deadline for application: 29 December, 2008
Please note: no paper applications will be considered. Send only an application cover letter by mail to NPSNM, P. O. Box 35388, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Sign and date that letter. Send the application (max. 3 pages) separately in a Word document to: President, Native Plant Society of New Mexico. Applications must be received by midnight (MST) December 29. Late applications will not be considered. If you do not receive a reply indicating we received your application, please request this confirmation.
    1. Application for Grant or Donation, Year:
    2. Name of Project:
    3. Applicant: Organization, Name of person in charge of project, Address, Telephone, E-mail: (all notices will be sent to this person unless you specify otherwise). Please provide the exact name of the individual or institution to which any grant check should be made payable.
    4. History: Describe when, why and how your organization or program began.
    5. Mission or Purpose Statement:
    6. Target Population: Describe the people your organization works with. Who is affected by your work?
    7. Need Statement: Describe why a NPSNM grant or donation is needed. Have you previously received a NPSNM grant or donation?
    8. Proposed Outcomes: State the results you hope to accomplish.
    9. Benefits: State the benefits to participants, the community or others that will result from a grant.
    10. Methods: Describe how your program works. Include length, date of completion, number of participants, staff involved, activities.
    11. Evaluation: Who will evaluate your results? When?
    12. Reporting: How will you report results and evaluations to NPSNM?
    13. Program Cost: Describe the budget for the project; include other sources of income.
    14. Grant or Donation Request: $__________.00
    15. Signature:__________________________________ Date:______________


One Year Grants - Successful grant applicants are required to submit a written report to the Society within one year from receiving their grant, describing how the funds were used. In addition, we also request one of the following:
A poster describing the project, to be displayed at the NPSNM annual meeting
A short article (limited to 1000 words) for the NPSNM Newsletter describing how the funds were used so that donors to this fund will know how the grant advanced the mission of the NPSNM. Please submit these articles to the newsletter editor.

Multi-year Grants - Projects spanning more than one year are expected to submit interim reports annually. Also requested is one of the following:
A poster describing the project, to be displayed at the NPSNM annual meeting
A short article (limited to 1000 words) for publication in the NPSNM Newsletter Please submit these articles to the newsletter editor.

Donations - Applicants receiving a donation are required to submit a report to the to the Society along with a short article (limited to 1000 words) for the NPSNM Newsletter describing how the funds were used within the structure of their organization. Please submit these articles to the newsletter editor.

Submission Deadline

Midnight December 29, 2008. Requests for grants or donations will only be accepted electronically for the 2009 grant cycle. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

Current Projects funded by the NPSNM

Otero Chapter Scholarship Awards 2008

Helgi Osterreich presenting Lillis Urban (left photo), and Darroc Goolsby (right photo) with their awards

Lillis Urban and Darroc Goolsby, both New Mexico State University graduate students, are the 2008 scholarship recipients. Lillis is working on new treatment of Leavenworthia and Selenia (Brassicaceae). Her work will make a big contribution to the flora of the Southwest. Darroc is doing studies on the ecology of schrubland invasion into the grassland.

President Helgi Osterreich presented each with a one thousand seventy five dollar check at a luncheon held at the University Golf Club restaurant on October 24th. Some of the money had been donated to the scholarship fund in memory of Don Tribble and Lucille Wilson.

Grant Proposals (total requested $9,350)

1. Phylogenetic analysis of Phacelia inferred from chloroplast ndhF and nuclear ITS gene sequences: Requested $1,000 - approved $0.

2. Greenhouse Project at Smokey Bear Historical Park: Requested $1,000 - approved $500.

3. K-12 Science Education Programs for Disadvantaged Students: Requested $600 - approved $600.

4. Floristic Survey of Vermejo Park Ranch: Requested $750 - approved $750.

5. Interpretive Signs for Wetlands, Santa Fe Botanical Garden: Requested $1000 - approveed $1000.

6. Tent Rocks National Monument (Kasha Katuwe) Brochure: Requested $1,000 - approved $0.

7. Mapping Upgrade to the NM Biodiversity Collections Consortium Database: Requested $1,000 - approved $1,000.

8. Travel Planning on the Gila National Forest: Requested $1,000 - approved $1,000.

9. Floristic Inventory of Riparian Habitats, Gila River: Requested $1,000 - approved $1,000.

10. Digitalization of DeWitt Ivey's Illustrations: Requested $1,000 - approved $1,000.

Total amount of grants approved: $6,850

Funds will be distributed when the minutes of the Board Meeting are approved. Congratulations to the recipients of our grants and donations program!

Last updated: 7 January 2009; Jane Mygatt; Photographs in header ©2004 Robert Sivinski
Copyright © 1999-2008 Native Plant Society of New Mexico, PO Box 35388, Albuquerque, NM 87176-5388