Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Plumas & Sierra Counties WMA

Chair: Tim Gibson, Plumas County Agriculture Department

General contact: Tim Gibson, 530-283-6365,

Mapping contact: Tim Gibson and Linda Conrad, Plumas County

Meetings: Every two months at the Plumas County Agriculture Department offices

Outreach Summary:


  • Yellow Starthistle - Management and Control Methods brochure
  • Medusahead - Management and Control Methods brochure
  • Scotch Broom - Management and Control Methods brochure
  • Perrenial Pepperweed - Management and Control Methods brochure
  • High Sierra Weeds Issue 1 (pdf)
  • High Sierra Weeds Issue 2 (pdf)


  • Seminars and workshops for local landowners
  • Weed tours are held annually
  • Weed booth at county fair
  • Booth at Birds, Barns and Barbecues event


  • Local press releases.

Project Highlights:

   Noxious weed roadside treatments

  • Roads throughout the WMA are mapped and treated for yellow starthistle, tall whitetop and Scotch broom.Some treatment also occurs on private lands. Treatment is primarily chemical, but some hand-pulling is done by the U.S. Forest Service along roads and in plots on FS land. CalTrans participates in the project by providing traffic control.

   Cooperative cost-share program

  • The Plumas/Sierra WMA operates a cooperative cost-share program which provides herbicide at no cost to landowners, who use it to treat yellow starthistle and tall whitetop on their own lands. Herbicide was previously supplied to all interested landowners, and landowners of 5 acres or less may still participate in the cost-share.

   Plumas/Sierra mapping program

  • The WMA continually maps all A-rated weeds throughout the two counties, and maps all C-rated weeds along roadsides. They use geographic software for mapping, and the data is stored in a format that may be converted to Arcview.

Organizations on WMA’s MOU

  • Bureau of Land Management – Eagle Lake and Carson City  District Offices
  • California Department of Fish and Game
  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • California Department of Transportation (CalTrans), Districts 2  and 3
  • Collins Pine (timber company)
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Plumas-Sierra Cattlemen
  • Plumas-Sierra Farm Bureau
  • Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (power company)
  • Roseburg Resources (timber company)
  • Sierra Pacific Industries (timber company)
  • Soper-Wheeler (timber company)
  • University of California Cooperative Extension
  • US Forest Service – Plumas, Lassen, Tahoe, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forests
  • USDA Wildlife Services
  • W.M. Beatty Associates (timber company)

Other regular participants

  • Other local landowners