Molecular Plant Pathology Online

Molecular Plant Pathology Logo Molecular Plant Pathology On-line, the world's first electronic copy-only, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to plant pathology, ceased to publish new papers on December 31, 1999.

This pioneering journal, created by BSPP in 1996, has been a rapid vehicle for publication of a wide range of papers on a variety of aspects of molecular pathology from scientists around the world. Papers published in MPPOL can be accessed at this website address and BSPP is fully committed to maintaining indefinitely an archive of this journal.

BSPP would like to express thanks to all of those who have helped create, contributed to, edited and supported MPPOL.

The advances made in technology and the experience gained in creating and running MPPOL formed an excellent foundation for the launch of the new journal, Molecular Plant Pathology (MPP), in January 2000. This will be published in electronic version with additional features in a similar way to MPPOL, and its hard copy version will gain ISI recognition. It is backed by Wiley-Blackwell where full submission details can be found and MPP is fully integrated into their electronic publication system.

Find articles that were published in MPPOL

The following links are archives of MPPOL and hence the information is not current.